At Daquhatt In his fatheris hous in Turneberrie the
first day of august Jaj vj c Twentie twa zeirs The
quhilk day the said Johnne Egilschem Nominats
and constituts his father willia[m] egelshem In
turneberrie tutor to his bairnes & Exe[cut]or & Intro
mittor w(i)t(h) his guids & geir for his bairnes use He
Levis his thrid to his wyf m[ar]grat muir & hir
bairnes Johnne & Helen equallie to be devydit
betuixt yame Befoir yir witnesses M[aiste]r Johnne
burne minister at kirkoswall wrytter heirof and
W[illi]a[m] egilschem in turneberrie his father & James
Muir In thomastoun his father In Law Johnne
[ ] patrik zoung Sic s(u)b(scr)ib(itu)r Mr Johnne
burne James Mure witnes
I Johnne Boill of Kelburne com[mi]ss[ary] of glasgw
Be the Tennor heirof Ratifeis approvis & conf
firms this p[rese]nt Testa[ment] & Inventar Insafar as the
samyne Is dewlie & fait[h]fullie maid & gevin up
Nathing omittit furthe of the samyne nor set within
the just availl y[ai]rin c[on]tenit and gevis & admitts full
power & Intromissioun w(i)t(h) the guids & geir abovewr[it]in
At Dalquhat in his father's house in Turnberry the
first day of August 1600 and twenty two years (= 1622) the
which (quhilk) day the said John Eaglesham nominates
and constitutes his father, William Eaglesham in
Turnberry, tutor (= legal guardian) to his bairns and executor and intromitter
with his goods and gear for his bairns' use. He
leaves his third to his wife, Margaret Muir, and her
bairns, John and Helen, equally to be divided
between them (yame = thame = them). Before these (yir = thir = these) witnesses Mr* John
Burne, minister at Kirkoswald, writer hereof, and
William Eaglesham in Turnberry, his father, and James
Muir in Thomaston, his father-in-law, John
[ ], Patrick Young. Sic subscribitur (Latin for "thus signed", before a list of signatures) Mr John
Burne, James Mure, witness.
I, John Boyle of Kelburn, commissary of Glasgow,
by the tenor hereof ratify, approve and confirm
this present testament and inventory insofar as the
same is duly and faithfully made and given up,
nothing omitted furth of (= from) the same nor set within
the just valuation therein (yairin = thairin = therein) contained, and give and admit full
power and intromission with the goods and gear above-written...
*Mr (Master) was the title given to someone, like the minister here, who had an M.A. degree from a university.
Link to John Burne: may be that the witnesses who did not sign could not write. The signatures here, of course, are not the originals, but copied into the register from the original will.