This indenture made and concluded the ninth
day of February in the year of our Lord one thousand
eight hundred and forty six by and between Joseph
Frost of Eliot in the County of York on the one part and
Nathaniel Goodwin of Eliot in said County on the
other part. Witnesseth that the said parties do
covenant and agree one with the other for himself
and for his heirs executors administrators and
assigns and soe do hereby severally and respective
ly covenant and agree one with the other - our sever
al and respective heirs and assigns that the par
tition fence by and between our respective lands
shall be and is hereby made and determined in
manner following.
That the said Nathaniel Goodwin his heirs and assigns
shall and may from henceforth have hold and build
the fence beginning at the south west corner of Jeremiah
Pauls land thence south west on the line of said Goodwin
and Frosts land thirty five sods.
That the said Joseph Frost his heirs and assignns shall and
may from henceforth have hold and build the fence
begining at the end of ^said^ thirty five sods and on said line
thirty five sods to land of said Frost known and called
the Sherburn Pastor. And the same Joseph Frost and
Nathaniel Goodwin do respectively bind ourselves our
heirs and assigns to build and keep in good repair the
within discribed fence forever.
I(n) Witness whereof we the said Joseph Frost and Nathaniel
Goodwin have here unto Interchangeably set our names and
seals the day and year above written
Signed Sealed in presence
Daniel Goodwin Jos Frost
Mary Goodwin Nathaniel Goodwin
Without knowing the area, I wouldn't swear to 'Sherburn Pastor'.
Many of the scribe's 'e's look like 'i's, and many of the 'i's are not dotted, so it could be 'Shirburn'
Some of his 'r's in the middle of words look like his 's's.
Compare the 's' in 'Joseph' with the 'r' in 'York' - virtually the same.
Hence I can't say for definite what this name is.