I’m looking for help in my family tree. Here’s what I have so far…
David Seaman (1790) married Mary Brooks (1788) they had 6 children:
Hannah (1813)
Mary Ann (1816)
Sophia (1826)
Richard (1827)
Joseph (1831)
Fanny (1848)
This is the confusing bit…. their son Richard married a Sophia (maiden name unknown) and they had 6 children, David (1855), Mary A (1860), Elizabeth (1862), Emma (1864), Thomas (1869)& Henry (1872).
Richards sister Sophia Seaman married a Henry Whyers and they also had 6 children William (1852), Sarah (1854), David (1856), Mary A (1860), Emma (1864) & Thomas (1868).
Combined the majority of their children share the same names & years of birth. Is this common? I’m just finding it very bizarre. I’m not saying they had children together but I’m struggling as the hints on Ancestry are confusing the children. I’m really confused so any help would be greatly appreciated