Author Topic: Diary weekending15th October  (Read 1835 times)

Offline brigidmac

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Diary weekending15th October
« on: Monday 09 October 23 12:53 BST (UK) »
I've not posted for a while so it's quite strange to be the first one posting for this week.
 last week I hibernated just in case I'd caught  covid on my visit to Newport .My foster daughter had it for six days .quite badly. I think this new strain is bad

in Leicester  there's a lot going around. I have friends who have had it so I am taking extra precautions.

I'm going to walk to city centre's downhill all the way . I want to see if I can get council tax support as well as single person discount but find the language baffling and an terrified of pressing the wrong answer and being accused of fraud .

How hard it must be for anyone with dyslexia or a different native language. . So much redtape to follow to get assistance with every day living .

I've decided not to get a TV and save cost of a licence but I really wanted to watch DNA family secrets so had a binge TV watch at my sister's house after a lovely walk in local park on Saturday
Roberts,Fellman.Macdermid smith jones,Bloch,Irvine,Hallis Stevenson

Offline louisa maud

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Re: Diary weekending15th October
« Reply #1 on: Monday 09 October 23 13:08 BST (UK) »
Morning  B

Beautiful morning  here, I have managed to clear my washing  basket for a change, trying to give myself 2 days off, tomorrow going to London with my grandaughter  and going out for the day on Wednesday, 2 days out I will  be busy on Thursday to catch up.

Hope all is well with everyone.   LM

Census information is Crown Copyright,

Granath Sweden and London
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Offline Viktoria

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Re: Diary weekending15th October
« Reply #2 on: Monday 09 October 23 13:22 BST (UK) »
Hope you get it sorted Brigidmac,it makes you wonder how immigrants manage, perhaps there is a service to help them.
No idea of your age group but Age Concern have a service, is there a Charity shop of theirs near you,there will be leaflets and helplines.
Your local Council will have some help available , re your Council Tax payments, hope the offices are in easy reach,but look at your Council Tax documents there will be phone numbers etc.
Excuse me if I appear to think you are older than you are ,or imagine you have not tried all those  possibilities already.
These things are a minefield, and Citizens’ Advice seems not to exist any longer.

Hope you escape Covid you are doing your best.

Well got some test results back, quite a worrying few weeks, but after C.T, Scans etc ,tests, all O,K.
This is the second time my GP, well not my usual one —- has sent me off for scans, last year too, !
I am not complaining but last year I genuinely felt she had mixed me up with another patient. All O.K then too.
However,it has spurred me on to get things sorted and be ruthless with stuff I probably never use.
I am far too sentimental.
Hope all are well, very dull and rainy here this morning ,most miserable .
But we are not in Gaza or Ukraine ,so much to be thankful for.

Well a snippet from The Labour Party Conference ,re Nationalisation of Energy production ,bring back the local gasworks!

Covid jab on Thursday, 9-20 ,so a walk down as the bus only allows concessionary passengers after 9-30.
It will do me good.

Cheerio folks. Viktoria.
P.S. L.M, enjoy your visits etc , nice to have it all done before you go and not waiting for you on your return.

Offline louisa maud

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Re: Diary weekending15th October
« Reply #3 on: Monday 09 October 23 13:41 BST (UK) »
V,  I am permanently  trying to get my husband  to declutter, no chance there, even spoke about it in front of my daughter, no shame that  it might be our only child who has to clear out an untidy shed, well 2 sheds, who wants paint donkeys years old?,

I did promise is myself if I bought a top it would be, one in, one out  that hasn't happened either,  scruffy things get used for scruffy jobs.

Photographs and family tree stuff needs to be in order, to be honest, don't know where to start, will  get done in time,  might be jobs on bad weather days.

Census information is Crown Copyright,

Granath Sweden and London
Garner, Marylebone Paddington  Northolt Ilford
Garner, Devon
Garner New Zealand
Parkinson St Pancras,
Jenkins Marylebone Paddington
Mizon/Mison/Myson Paddington
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Tocock, (name changed to Ellis) London
Southam Marylebone, Paddington
Bragg Lambeth 1800's
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Sondes kent and London

Offline candleflame

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Re: Diary weekending15th October
« Reply #4 on: Monday 09 October 23 20:32 BST (UK) »
Evening all.
I’ve been trying to declutter and also organise the family tree stuff but it’s taking a while. Hopefully when the weather gets worse I’ll have more days like LM!
North East of England

Offline brigidmac

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Re: Diary weekending15th October
« Reply #5 on: Tuesday 10 October 23 09:23 BST (UK) »
Thanks for kind thoughts Louisa + Victoria

Council tax office wasn't  open yesterday but is today so I'm going to go there and see if I can do council tax support request on their computer.

It only opens on Tuesday s and Thursday s
Roberts,Fellman.Macdermid smith jones,Bloch,Irvine,Hallis Stevenson

Offline louisa maud

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Re: Diary weekending15th October
« Reply #6 on: Tuesday 10 October 23 17:39 BST (UK) »
B, hope you managed to get to the council offices today.

My day, I went by train to  London with my grandaughter,  she had asked where I had lived before I married, now  pulled down but I took her to see where my parents  lived, went via  Horse Guards Parade to see the guards change then on to Queenborough  Terrace near Whitleys,  I wanted her to see the staircase in Whitleys which has a preservation order on it, originally a very posh departmental store which my mother couldn't afford to  buy in, about 1970 ish it because  shops within this huge store, today, sadly for me it is all boarded up,   I assume to be refurbished,  we then went to look at the flats where my parents lived, another mistake,  the area really is nothing like it used to be up till 1996, we then walked  to Kensington gardens round the round pond and into Hyde Park, sat in beautiful sunshine watching the birds on the Serpentine, tired with sore  feet but had a  good day

Census information is Crown Copyright,

Granath Sweden and London
Garner, Marylebone Paddington  Northolt Ilford
Garner, Devon
Garner New Zealand
Parkinson St Pancras,
Jenkins Marylebone Paddington
Mizon/Mison/Myson Paddington
Tindal Marylebone Paddington
Tocock, (name changed to Ellis) London
Southam Marylebone, Paddington
Bragg Lambeth 1800's
Edermaniger(Maniger) Essex Kent Canada (Toronto)
Coveney Kent Lambeth
Sondes kent and London

Offline Viktoria

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Re: Diary weekending15th October
« Reply #7 on: Tuesday 10 October 23 20:09 BST (UK) »
Oh, it is a bit sad when memory lane is not what it used to be —
However it sounds like a really interesting day L.M.

Walked down to Rammy , got more than was comfortable to carry really ,but met quite a few people I know and so some chats.
Son offered to drive me but I must keep walking.
Youngish man at the bus stop coming home,he is his mother’s carer,  has some learning difficulties but can manage his phone and other things better than I can!Said  it was his B/day tomorrow.I have an idea which house he lives in ,the next Avenue, might drop a card in ,he always speaks and chats .

Raining now, but got some washing dry , put it out early.
Now for the ironing!

Well no news really , just had a good laugh at “ Last of the Summer Wine”
Hilarious,laugh out loud stuff.

Hope all are alright.
Look after yourselves.

Offline ThrelfallYorky

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Re: Diary weekending15th October
« Reply #8 on: Wednesday 11 October 23 15:16 BST (UK) »
Spent yesterday in back garden, scraping moss off paths for safety - again! With recent weather grows quicker than I can scrape it off!
Today? Contemplating buying new wellies!
Threlfall (Southport), Isherwood (lancs & Canada), Newbould + Topliss(Derby), Keating & Cummins (Ireland + lancs), Fisher, Strong& Casson (all Cumberland) & Downie & Bowie, Linlithgow area Scotland . Also interested in Leigh& Burrows,(Lancashire) Griffiths (Shropshire & lancs), Leaver (Lancs/Yorks) & Anderson(Cumberland and very elusive)