Hope you get it sorted Brigidmac,it makes you wonder how immigrants manage, perhaps there is a service to help them.
No idea of your age group but Age Concern have a service, is there a Charity shop of theirs near you,there will be leaflets and helplines.
Your local Council will have some help available , re your Council Tax payments, hope the offices are in easy reach,but look at your Council Tax documents there will be phone numbers etc.
Excuse me if I appear to think you are older than you are ,or imagine you have not tried all those possibilities already.
These things are a minefield, and Citizens’ Advice seems not to exist any longer.
Hope you escape Covid you are doing your best.
Well got some test results back, quite a worrying few weeks, but after C.T, Scans etc ,tests, all O,K.
This is the second time my GP, well not my usual one —- has sent me off for scans, last year too, !
I am not complaining but last year I genuinely felt she had mixed me up with another patient. All O.K then too.
However,it has spurred me on to get things sorted and be ruthless with stuff I probably never use.
I am far too sentimental.
Hope all are well, very dull and rainy here this morning ,most miserable .
But we are not in Gaza or Ukraine ,so much to be thankful for.
Well a snippet from The Labour Party Conference ,re Nationalisation of Energy production ,bring back the local gasworks!
Covid jab on Thursday, 9-20 ,so a walk down as the bus only allows concessionary passengers after 9-30.
It will do me good.
Cheerio folks. Viktoria.
P.S. L.M, enjoy your visits etc , nice to have it all done before you go and not waiting for you on your return.