I am working on my Bildhauer family tree, a Jewish family from Arad, Romania. I was able to trace back to my great-great grandfather born in 1775. Abraham Bildhauer married to Karlota Shwartz. I am missing several members in the tree including my father's cousin, Lily Bokor. 1770's was the first time Jewish people were allowed to live in Arad and I am unable to trace my tree before that, nor do I know the origin of the family before they established in Arad. I know that the Hebrew origin of the name Bildhauer is Bezalel, "in the shadow of God" known for building the Tabernacle and in charge of building the Ark of the Covenant. It is not a common name. Bildhauer was a prominent family in Arad, they had a family crypt in the Neolog Cemetery of the town. Any help in filling gaps in my tree is greatly appreciated. I can give you access to my ancestry page if you can help. For now, I have 163 people in the tree.