The search for Louisa Elizabeth Maslin born 1821.
Research began in 1946 by an earlier generation. We have every piece of info possible on this woman’s life mainly due to information logged at Chippenham records office in Wiltshire from a solicitor. I have details of all of her life,her inheritances,marriage,children,where she lived and the tragic workhouse/ hospital records of her death.
The one thing which is no where to be found is her birth. On her marriage cert she says her father is George Maslin.
At one point she says she was born in Covent Garden London Middlesex but over all the seventy plus years of searching we can not find her and have no knowledge of her mother.
We do know she had an Aunt Sarah who she was living with in 1835. We also know she had a sister Sarah who was adopted( an informal arrangement in those days) both Louisa and Sarah use the name Evitt and there is some link between the Events and the Fawkes family.
I have recently been looking at French records as I know that Louisa Elizabeth now Perry visited France.
I began to wonder if she might have been born and christened in France. I have found a couple of records relating to Louisa Maslin,of course written in French ! I have managed to very roughly get the gist of it from my school days but am unable to link it to “ my” Louisa Elizabeth Malin ( Evitt).
Can anyone suggest where to look please ? She gives her birth as 1821 but that may be wrong if she was pretending to be older or younger than she really was.
Thank you.