hello guys,
I have three different DNA Matches. With the first one I am sharing 26 cM and with her daughter 10cM, with the other DNA Match i am sharing 25 cM.
It says we are relatives 4-7 degrees, 4th Cousins. Which ancestor or greatgreat....parents are we sharing?
In this Case Match 1 is a daughter of a woman called Mary Smithers, Match 2 (her daughter) a granddaughter of Mary Smithers. Match 3 is a granddaughter of Harriet Smithers, a sister of Mary Smithers. So the Grandparents of Match 1 are the Greatgrandparents of Match 3. My possible 4x Greatgrandfather would be a brother of Grandfather of Match 1 and Greatgrandfather of Match 3.
The other scenario is that Match 1 is the Greatgranddaughter of a couple called Bennett/Coleman. Match 3 is a GreatGreatgranddaughter of the same couple. I would be a GreatGreatGreatGreatgranddaughter of the couple Bennett/Coleman. Are these relationships accurate for 4th Cousins? My ancestor was illegitimate so i can't say how i am related to the match but their families lived in the same village and down the road and the other branches of their tree does not match with my families location.
i hope you can understand my thinking and can help to understand my DNA Matches