Author Topic: DNA Anomalies  (Read 287 times)

Offline djk50

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DNA Anomalies
« on: Wednesday 28 August 24 21:52 BST (UK) »
1.  Our two children inherited more Germanic Europe dna than both parents added together.  I have 0%, my husband has 3%, and our children have 13% and 11%, respectively.  How can that be?


2.  Our children both have individual dna matches that neither parent has.  How can they inherit a dna match that neither parent has?

Offline ikas

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Re: DNA Anomalies
« Reply #1 on: Monday 02 September 24 09:45 BST (UK) »
1. Ethnicity estimates are just estimates and can be wrong. Yours and your childrens ethnicity estimates are good examples of the limitations. More detail at

2. You have not said the level of matches that your children have. If they are low level matches then they could be IBS or identical by state ie by chance rather than by IBD or identical by descent.
A rather in depth look IBS v IBD at

Where did you test? That can also be a factor in (2)

Offline Biggles50

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Re: DNA Anomalies
« Reply #2 on: Monday 02 September 24 11:09 BST (UK) »
Whoever you tested with will say it is an Estimate, that is it is based upon a limited set of reference groups.

In reality the low %ages have a large range of possible deviations in the results offered.

My Sister and I on our Paternal side have similar large %age results but in her low %ages she has Spain and France which I do not and I have Aegean Islands, Lebanon and Syria which she does not.

Offline rsel

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Re: DNA Anomalies
« Reply #3 on: Monday 02 September 24 11:11 BST (UK) »
   As ikas said, don't take to much notice of the Ethnicity estimates, they are not really based on 'true' science saying this peice of DNA came from this location. They are just based on the testing companies comparing the test results with a 'library' of other testers and saying that if X came from Germany then any matching DNA you have indicates german.  Its probably a lot more complicated than that in actual execuition but that's the basic process.  So as each child will have a different block of inheritance from each person, so the matchs levels will change to that 'library'.

   On the matches you children have but you don't, again as ikas mentioned it could be IBS, but if you have tested at ancestry it can also be the 'timber' routine that they use to 'clean-up' DNA and its just enough to remove a match from you but not your children.

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