« Reply #6 on: Wednesday 25 September 24 17:56 BST (UK) »
I’ve found a burial of an ancestor who was noted to have committed suicide whilst of unsound mind and was buried in the churchyard in the 1700’s. I think a bit of compassion was probably exercised by the vicars.
Buckinghamshire; Bignell, Talbot, Janes, Gibbs
Cambrigeshire; Cockerton, Sharpe, Purkis
Hertfordshire; Rolph, Bigg, Marvell, Pateman, Hornsby, Jenkins
Norfolk; Crowfoot, Randlesome
London; Wyatt, Yarroll
Somerset; Date, Hodder, Leatherby, Webb
Suffolk; Palfrey, Yallop, Kerry, Codling, Steward, Pettitt
Ireland & Canada; Hanna, Teel, Cowin, Switzer