Well, so many problems for many of you, I hope things improve for you all.
I am worried about missing someone out so a “ blanket “ wish for things to get better.
A grey day here and watching the Commemorations in Paris ,after those at The Menin Gate Ypres and now down to The Somme ,probably Thiepval ,the huge memorial to those with no known grave from the battles on The Somme and surrounding areas.
I hope this is always kept up, such a little to ask for those who gave all.
Thanks for your kind wishes folks, you will see my eyes are improving but sadly I have a choice to make, use again the drops for glaucoma ,which can alter your heartbeat ,or the glaucoma will get worse ——-
I have a Dr’s appointment to discuss this next week,19 th.
But I am not in Gaza or Ukraine —
Best wishes for speedy recoveries and good improvements for those with health problems , and other trials too..
Many thanks for your good wishes ,I appreciate them.