Author Topic: Diary summary week ending 15th December 2024  (Read 2205 times)

Offline brigidmac

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Re: Diary summary week ending 15th December 2024
« Reply #54 on: Tuesday 17 December 24 12:42 GMT (UK) »
Agree this topic has become about books maybe Op could ask admin to modify title because there is a lot of interest

My cousin had to clear her parents books out and put batches up for sale ... surprisingly her father's technical
Books were the ones that sold

She took several boxes to second hand book shops
I don't think they paid her much but at least they would be viewed by book lovers .

. I took a prize that my grandmother had won at was the story of Florence nightingale that I'd always wanted to read .
And a few others that I thought I could find homes for

Charity shops don't really like old books unless there's a special classics section and there was little interest on eBay .
They can sell books signed by the author for 3x as much .
My mother has written some walking books and a history book which turn up in charity shops sometimes so I now get her to sign them

My sister took some unwanted books for her friend that does paper craft .
There is a local artist who makes decorations from atlases and maps .
My mother has a whole room with maps !

But my poor cousin still has piles of books  in her spare room. +Will probably resort to using them on bonfires
Roberts,Fellman.Macdermid smith jones,Bloch,Irvine,Hallis Stevenson

Offline ThrelfallYorky

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Re: Diary summary week ending 15th December 2024
« Reply #55 on: Tuesday 17 December 24 14:10 GMT (UK) »
Viktoria, that second hand bookstall area in Shudehill was still there when I was a hard-up student at Manchester! It was on my more or less usual route down to Victoria station, and I don't think I ever got by without buying one or two - most of which have followed me to my current home and lifestyle.
Happy memories.
Threlfall (Southport), Isherwood (lancs & Canada), Newbould + Topliss(Derby), Keating & Cummins (Ireland + lancs), Fisher, Strong& Casson (all Cumberland) & Downie & Bowie, Linlithgow area Scotland . Also interested in Leigh& Burrows,(Lancashire) Griffiths (Shropshire & lancs), Leaver (Lancs/Yorks) & Anderson(Cumberland and very elusive)

Offline Viktoria

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Re: Diary summary week ending 15th December 2024
« Reply #56 on: Tuesday 17 December 24 14:31 GMT (UK) »
Books are almost sacred, we were brought up and told at school how very special books are.
The fact that books are destroyed under certain regimes show how important and influential ,informative and necessary they are.
It was a hanging,drawing and quartering offence to mark a page or turn a corner over——-

What pleasure they have given,informed and helped too.
So much info in so small a space.
I always wanted a “ library” but have had to make do with just shelves.
The oldest book I have is dated 1876, by Washington Irvine, so not a first edition as the frontispiece is dated November 1875 .
All about old Christmas traditions.
Then David Copperfield, a Sunday School prize dated Dec,1897.’
A very dodgy “ Herbal Remedies” Robinsons’ , but all plants are pink or yellow,no blues,or whites so recognition,well accurate recognition is almost impossible !
The Odyssey, bought at a jumble Sale at St,George’s Church School
Ypres, the books second hand from Eton ,the Church is the memorial to the Eton boys who served in WW1 as Second Lts, the school for the children of the English Graves Staff . Very poignant .Dated 1892.

Nothing older than those ,
. Hey ho,must get on,Cheerio.

Online louisa maud

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Re: Diary summary week ending 15th December 2024
« Reply #57 on: Tuesday 17 December 24 15:22 GMT (UK) »
Roobarb,  I agree,   you are right, it is the subject  being  followed,  except recently I was  reminded we were on the following  week, say no more.

Census information is Crown Copyright,

Granath Sweden and London
Garner, Marylebone Paddington  Northolt Ilford
Garner, Devon
Garner New Zealand
Parkinson St Pancras,
Jenkins Marylebone Paddington
Mizon/Mison/Myson Paddington
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Tocock, (name changed to Ellis) London
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Bragg Lambeth 1800's
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Re: Diary summary week ending 15th December 2024
« Reply #58 on: Tuesday 17 December 24 22:49 GMT (UK) »
One last post from me.
When my father in law died, my sister in law gave us his night school books.
Not able to go to Grammar School ,the family was very poor, he attended night school and got respectable qualifications,becoming his employers’  industrial Chemist in a small oil refinery .
My second son was at Leeds’ Uni,he was really amazed ,doing Fuel and Combustion Science and his second degree in Energy Conservation.
, The level grandad had achieved so young (left school at 14) and after a long day’s work to do it at night school amazed my son.
He has those books now.
How much intelligence was not fulfilled in those days of the 1900’s?
This has been a most interesting topic .

Offline brigidmac

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Re: Diary summary week ending 15th December 2024
« Reply #59 on: Wednesday 18 December 24 00:08 GMT (UK) »
There's plenty more to be said about books .. topic title could be changed to
started 10th December now about books

I think my oldest book was grandma macs school prize
I also have a learning to speak Norwegian from my student days 1979 which is historical because at the time when there were 2 official language that have now merged

I want to donate it along with my dissertation about the differences between the written languages and the dialects ..the accompanying cassette tape has been misplaced at my mother's house .. possibly recorded over .

& My version of Winnie the Pooh in bokmal Norwegian

Ihave my dad's copy of when we were 6 from when he was 6 in 1936
Roberts,Fellman.Macdermid smith jones,Bloch,Irvine,Hallis Stevenson