Author Topic: Elizabeth HOLROYD, daughter of Augustus Henry Aldborough Stratford-Henniker?  (Read 835 times)

Offline PatLac

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Re: Elizabeth HOLROYD, daughter of Augustus Henry Aldborough Stratford-Henniker?
« Reply #9 on: Monday 06 January 25 14:03 GMT (UK) »
Thank you, jorose and bbart!

I was aware of those newspaper entries, but I didn't think he married her for money, otherwise why would he be in debt? I thought he had debts because he had left in a hurry!

The thought that he might have gone off with Hannah, who was 15-16, and that her mother went to fetch her is very likely. Hannah's 'date of birth' could actually be a date of baptism. Her headstone inscription says she was the eldest daughter of Joseph Holroyd. She married Louis Charles Leoline Jenkis in 1880 and didn't have children. Augustus left her a considerable amount of money in his will.

Bbart, I'm trying to decipher the 1861 Census information, but it's quite difficult because the age brackets are confusing for me.

Males (5-16) = 1, Males (16-21) =1. If a boy was 16 in which age bracket would he be?

Which number can you see for Females (5-16)?

The total number of persons (including servants) is 11, the total number of married is 3, and the total of single is 7. Where is the 11th person?

Also, only 10 under religion (CofE=5, Presbyt=1, Kirk of Scot=3, Roman Cath=1). Where is the 11th person?

The only entries that I'm certain of is one female upwards of 60, Catherine Campbell, who died on 2 Dec 1861; one female (21-45), Lillias Grant Henniker; one male (21-45), Augustus Henry; one male (5-16), Arthur Warburton; one female (5-16), Lillias Louisa. Hannah could be in the 5-16 or 16-21 age brackets. No females under 5, so no sign of Elizabeth Holroyd or Maria Catherine Elizabeth Campbell.

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Re: Elizabeth HOLROYD, daughter of Augustus Henry Aldborough Stratford-Henniker?
« Reply #10 on: Tuesday 07 January 25 04:26 GMT (UK) »
A bunch of rambling things:

1861 Census
The 1861 census had a very odd way of breaking the ages down, as 16 year olds could go in either column.
If you magnify the image enough, the total people is actually a "10", not an eleven. It confused me at first too!

I read it as this:

Under 5    0
5 to 16      1
16 to 21    1
21 to 45    2
45 to 60    0
0ver 60     0

They had enough acres that they would have had employees
Under 5      0
5 to 16        3  (When I originally posted, I thought it was a messy zero)
16 to 21      1
21 to 45      1
45 to 60     0
over 60      1

Total  10


It is baffling me why there are two marriages for Augustus and Lillias. 
The first, 22 Aug 1859 in Pictou, Nova Scotia was announced in the Newfoundland paper, and in England, multiple times ( as in throughout September and October in the same newspapers), particularly in Bedfordshire and Essex, as well as a few other counties, yet nothing I could find in the PEI papers. 

The second marriage, on 29 Apr 1860, was in Milton, the area in which Lillias lived. The witnesses were well known to the area. Joseph Ball was the surveyor for PEI, and John Myrie Holl appears in countless news articles as his Hon. John Myrie Holl.  I could not find this marriage in any paper.

The write-up in the papers for the 1859 marriage state that Augustus was in the Royal Navy.
There is a wiki tree that says Augustus made lieutenant in the Royal Navy, but no sources.  I can't find a single reference anywhere that says he was in the navy.  Being in the navy would explain him not being found on the 1851 census though.

The 1861 census says that the farm is 91 acres, if I am reading it right.
The earlier maps say 88 acres:  (lower left quadrant, in the pink section)
and  (note this map was originally made in 1847 but now updated by Joseph Ball, the witness to the second marriage).

In the 1849 Island newspapers (going by memory!), Hannah Sarah Holroyd was selling(?) at least two mortgages on land, which is why I was hunting for maps.  I have not had time to look to see if she was selling off rights to land that belonged to her mother.

Passenger Lists
I can't find Augustus returning on the steamer Arabia from Halifax to England, as he said he was doing in the article posted by Jorose.

Perhaps he is the Henry A. Stratford, age 24, a trader, sailing 2nd class,  from Southampton to Melbourne in December 1861 on the ship Oithona?

Offline PatLac

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Re: Elizabeth HOLROYD, daughter of Augustus Henry Aldborough Stratford-Henniker?
« Reply #11 on: Tuesday 07 January 25 14:29 GMT (UK) »
Thanks for the clarification, I can see it's a 10 now.  ;D

Regarding the marriage, my first thought was that there was a child born out of the wedlock, hence things being hushed up far from P.E.I., but now I'm not sure. Maybe they had a big do in Pictou for the Henniker family to attend and have decided to register the marriage later on? A Miss Henniker apparently attended.

"The Examiner: August 29, 1859:

In the Steamer from Pictou, August 23: Messrs. Robertson, Pollard, Morrisay, Gay, Brown, Sherry, Wiswell, Robertson, Ayr; Mrs. Macready, Mrs. Mason, Mrs. Wiswell.

From Pictou, August 26: Rev. A. McDonald, Rev. Dr. Knox, Lieut. Henniker, Messrs. J. Ball, R. McIntosh, Hunter, Davis, McRae, Jost, Barrow, Brumsell; Mrs. Henniker, Miss Henniker, Mrs. McLeod, Miss Weakley, Mrs. Murray, Mrs. Green, and others."

The marriage was mentioned in the Examiner 29 Aug 1859, Page 03, just before the list of passengers.

Hannah was mentioned in 1879 and 1892 as the mortgagee in land transactions. In 1850 the original estate 'Wyther Grange', Lot 33,  of the Hon. Joseph Holroyd was much bigger and 40 and then 200 acres were being offered for purchase. Capt. John Campbell's original estate was on Lot 55. I'll post the links later, the islandnewspapers website is playing up atm.

I can see Henry A. Stratford on the PROV website, but the ship is the Prince of Wales? The age is right, 25, arriving in Melbourne in December 1861. Trader! Do you think he fled under a different name because he didn't pay his debts and/or abandoned his wife? His father's estate in Suffolk and Essex were insolvent in 1854, apparently (I don't have a British Newspapers Archive subscription), and his brother Brydges Powell was the heir.

He appears as a 'mate' in the Navy List, 9 Sept 1857, Paddle-wheel steam sloop Buzzard, 6.

Offline bbart

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Re: Elizabeth HOLROYD, daughter of Augustus Henry Aldborough Stratford-Henniker?
« Reply #12 on: Wednesday 08 January 25 05:55 GMT (UK) »
I can see Henry A. Stratford on the PROV website, but the ship is the Prince of Wales?

Yes, it was the Prince of Wales.  I couldn't read the vessel name in the image, and the F M P index said it was the Oithona, which arrived Dec 1861, so they had some mix up.

He appears as a 'mate' in the Navy List, 9 Sept 1857, Paddle-wheel steam sloop Buzzard, 6.
Where did you find this!!  I looked everywhere for him!!

Offline PatLac

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Re: Elizabeth HOLROYD, daughter of Augustus Henry Aldborough Stratford-Henniker?
« Reply #14 on: Friday 10 January 25 18:12 GMT (UK) »
Early accounts of Henry Stratford in New Zealand

History of St Michael’s All
Angels Church Clyde.

Jenny Morris, one of the congregation,
has compiled this history of the church
and its members for the records and
kindly given it to us for publication.

The early settlers arrived here in the
Dunstan in the 1850s having travelled
from Dunedin. Many had strong Scottish
roots and were experienced farmers. With
the discovery in 1862 of alluvial gold in
the gullies and rivers by Hartley and Reilly
the gold rush began. Hundreds and then
thousands poured into the area. The
newcomers also brought their faiths with
them. Administrators at this time were
Vincent Pyke, the commissioner to the
goldfields, Lt Henry Stratford Royal Navy
gold receiver
and Major Jackson Keddell,
police representative and coroner. All were
committed members of the Church of
England. Stratford held a Lay reader’s
licence from the Bishop of Christchurch

whose diocese covered all what is now the
Diocese of Dunedin. Prayer services
started in the calico and scantling
courthouse in November 1862 and they
were well attended
The next step was to fund a church
building and within a year a corrugated
shed was purchased for the purpose of
worship and the first service was held on 4
October 1863 where Henry Stratford
reminded the congregation of their duties
as members of the Church of England.
Social activities were organised and tea
meetings began. This brought out the
ladies who usually kept in the background.
Ordained clergy from Dunedin and
Invercargill and the Bishop visited on
occasion, also visiting the large sheep
stations often as friends of the owners who
provided services to their workers but also
to baptise and perform marriage services.

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Re: Elizabeth HOLROYD, daughter of Augustus Henry Aldborough Stratford-Henniker?
« Reply #15 on: Friday 10 January 25 18:31 GMT (UK) »
There is plenty to flesh that out in Paperspast.
He became Resident Magistrate.
Then in 1880 was appointed to Hokitika and Greymouth.

Offline PatLac

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Re: Elizabeth HOLROYD, daughter of Augustus Henry Aldborough Stratford-Henniker?
« Reply #16 on: Friday 10 January 25 18:34 GMT (UK) »
Yes, I'm aware of his career as magistrate in NZ, I'm interested in his early days in NZ, after he left Canada.

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Re: Elizabeth HOLROYD, daughter of Augustus Henry Aldborough Stratford-Henniker?
« Reply #17 on: Friday 10 January 25 18:51 GMT (UK) »
 :) Teach me to re-check opening post.