Thank you Sc00p re the mention of Mildred E. Allen/Wardley marriage to John Francis Lobel in 1947. I was aware but welcome very much your input. Details re the circumstances of the parting of Mildred and John Duncan Allen (whenever that occurred) is complicated by a) the difficulty in my finding any divorce details of either of her two marriages and b) in my knowing that a child was born to a mother named Wardley, (I think in Bradford) in Yorkshire in 1946 i.e. a son Noel C Allen. Bradford Yorks was Lobel's birthplace and family home. The cynic in me suggests that this probably provides in part, a reasonable cause for the Mildred-JD Allen break-up. British divorce data is seemingly most difficult to obtain. I live in Australia, and by comparison, is a straight-forward process here. Part of the solution to discovery of data, is of course the purchase of relevant BMD certificates from GRO.