Author Topic: Re: Diary summary week ending 9th February 2025  (Read 1875 times)

Offline louisa maud

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Re: Diary summary week ending 9th February 2025
« Reply #9 on: Tuesday 04 February 25 13:00 GMT (UK) »
Hello again folks
Really a dull day today, no washing  out,  boring subject!!

My grandaughter  has been diagnosed with anemia,  got her results online but has to see the Dr who referred  her for the tests, do you think she can see a Dr, no, she can't,  apparently one has to see the same  Dr who referred  you, he isnt there full time, and so no medication prescribed,  how ridiculous is that?, her surgery you have to ring at 8am, if there are no appts left for that day you can't book in advance,  it really us getting ridiculous.

Viktoria, you spoke about having had a perm in the past, have you thought of not having one anymore, I had perms I would say for nearly 60 years, then my hair started to break at the  roots , so I had to have a more or less a straight  style , taken me a long time time to get used to it, thank goodness for modern hair rollers, I am sure your current hairdresser would agree to visit you if you have been a regular.

Candleflame, do hope your husband is recovering.

Roobarb, I think by popular  demand our compost bin collection has been reinstated,  we were meant to have 3 months without a collection, someone has seen sense.


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Offline Viktoria

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Re: Diary summary week ending 9th February 2025
« Reply #10 on: Tuesday 04 February 25 17:50 GMT (UK) »
You talk sense L.M.only trouble is a straight style makes me look as if I have been let out of prison in the good old days when “ Institution cuts “ were the norm ——-,another bane was basin cuts when a basin was put in a child’s head and the hair still showing was cut! Honestly .

I need a softer style, with some lift ,we will see.
My underactive Thyroid does  not help either.
A small problem in the grand scheme of things.

I don’t want to be a little old lady with a perm, even though that is exactly what I am.
nearly tea time, mixed grill this tea time .

Look after yourselves. Viktoria.

Offline louisa maud

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Re: Diary summary week ending 9th February 2025
« Reply #11 on: Tuesday 04 February 25 18:08 GMT (UK) »
Well Viktoria I will let you into a secret just between  us !!
When i wash my hair I use rollers, I roll as far down as I can, when I go to bed I just leave the top rollers in, works OK for me, I use what is called an affro comb but give it a good brush in between, i wash it twice a week, works for me but it has taken a long time to get it reasonably ok  I have it cut every 4 weeks.
I sometimes get complimented which boosts me up no end,  now just you and I know my secret Viktoria

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Offline Viktoria

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Re: Diary summary week ending 9th February 2025
« Reply #12 on: Tuesday 04 February 25 21:52 GMT (UK) »
Now that is a good idea,leaving the top rollers in ,it is so un comfy leaving the
lower ones in.
As a teenager,I used Kirby grips and rolled my  hair into rolls like flat snails and secured them with two grips crossed over ,then I’d run my head under the hot tap and blot my hair dry - well dryish —- That worked then plastic rollers came out .
I really do look as if I had escaped from prison in the old days without a bit of lift and curl.
I did home perms but would not dare to do one on my hair now or have any colour.I have never had colour added .

Ah well, I would love to be really silver white ,it is such a soft ,gentle ,forgiving colour.
I have hair and many poor souls would be glad to have some ,those really ill or following treatment .

Early night I think ,started a good book ,one of my presents from Lily’s mummy .
Winchester Cathedral, ransacked and much damaged by  Cromwellian soldiers , many tombs of Saxon Bishops and The Kings  of the 9th and 10 th centuries, were opened and the bones thrown about .
They were gathered up and put  in boxes and stored, a present day historian has written about them and the efforts to sort out out “whose  leg is this? “
Only just started it so I imagine at least  bones  could be sorted by DNA ,but even with the bones sorted identification must have been impossible.

Well son back from next door soon ,he is sleeping here again ,his idea, I suppose he feels he is more on hand if I am ill again .

So night night ,sleep tight.

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Re: Diary summary week ending 9th February 2025
« Reply #13 on: Wednesday 05 February 25 09:57 GMT (UK) »

Roobarb, I think by popular  demand our compost bin collection has been reinstated,  we were meant to have 3 months without a collection, someone has seen sense.


LM, last year was the first time we were charged for our garden waste collection, there was a lot of opposition to it, I went ahead and paid as I have lawns back and front and shrubs as well as lots of plants. The prunings from the shrubs take up a lot of room in the bin. A lot of people in my road hadn't opted for the bin collection but in the road around the corner a lot of people had, despite many of them having their drives widened across the whole front garden. I guess they must have a lot going on in the back garden.  :)

Candleflame, I hope your husband is getting better, keep us posted won't you?
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Offline louisa maud

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Re: Diary summary week ending 9th February 2025
« Reply #14 on: Wednesday 05 February 25 10:14 GMT (UK) »
We are charged £80   a year for our garden waste,  my neighbour and I share it, her suggestion but I think it's a terrific idea.

Lovely  day today, sun out, blue sky, the whole world seems a brighter place, well here it does.

Take care

Census information is Crown Copyright,

Granath Sweden and London
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Re: Diary summary week ending 9th February 2025
« Reply #15 on: Wednesday 05 February 25 11:18 GMT (UK) »
Very pleased to say that our charge for the "green" bin is £41.00 per year  :)
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Offline Gillg

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Re: Diary summary week ending 9th February 2025
« Reply #16 on: Wednesday 05 February 25 11:44 GMT (UK) »
Sadly some people in our village are finding that other unknown persons are adding garden waste or even dog poo bags to their green bin.  This is an occasional rather than a regular thing, I should add, but still, what a nerve!

A warmish, partially sunny day here in Devon, so the washing line is full yet again.  Where does it all come from?  Sometimes I think that my laundry basket is like the Magic Porridge Pot, but saying "Laundry Basket, stop!" doesn't work.
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Offline louisa maud

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Re: Diary summary week ending 9th February 2025
« Reply #17 on: Wednesday 05 February 25 12:03 GMT (UK) »
Some people are flouting tbe rules,  putting garden rubbish in their everyday bin, getting away with it, I  don't suppose the collection men even look in the bins,  if I have anything  that I am  not sure if it should go into the everyday bin I put it in a plastic bag on top, they can either take if or leave it, that way it is their choice

I have washing  out today and have washed 2 net curtains and spring hasn't even sprung yet, I can't do the whole house in one go now, to many windows.

I am sure somewhere there are daffs out, mine are up but not in bloom, ,

I had to laugh,  I had to ask my husband to help me put the nets back up, think I have lost height so he helped me, when it came to what I call shooshing the curtains to make them even gathers he has no idea,  I just couldn't help laughing but he tried, I dread to think what they will look like if I am not here.

Census information is Crown Copyright,

Granath Sweden and London
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Garner, Devon
Garner New Zealand
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Tindal Marylebone Paddington
Tocock, (name changed to Ellis) London
Southam Marylebone, Paddington
Bragg Lambeth 1800's
Edermaniger(Maniger) Essex Kent Canada (Toronto)
Coveney Kent Lambeth
Sondes kent and London