Hope you can help please? Isabel M Wier died 6 Nov 1912 and buried 9 Nov New Brunswick, Canada. There is her will online where she mentions her mother and her sister Jennie.
Boston, Suffolk, Massachusetts 1940 (as per ancestry)Jane Latelle Wier (as transcribed) 68 Head. Teacher (outside) EducationSandra
Quote from: ValJJJ on Tuesday 04 February 25 19:39 GMT (UK) Hope you can help please? Isabel M Wier died 6 Nov 1912 and buried 9 Nov New Brunswick, Canada. There is her will online where she mentions her mother and her sister Jennie.Isabelle May WierThe Boston GlobeBoston, Massachusetts Thu, 7 Nov 1912Page 16https://www.newspapers.com/article/the-boston-globe/164696952/Boston Evening TranscriptBoston, Massachusetts Sat, 9 Nov 1912Page 18https://www.newspapers.com/article/boston-evening-transcript/164697131/Sandra