View full version: Occupation Interests
  1. Archibald Marshall profession
  2. Priesthood
  3. 1911 Rock Ferry Occupation
  4. What exactly is his job? - Inspector of Nuisances
  5. MUSIC HALL-Elizabeth Coleman
  6. Occupation on the 1841 census
  7. Teacher Lookup 1861?
  8. overseer
  9. watchmaker
  10. postman fenwick
  11. Professor of Gastronomy or just a cook?
  12. Formerly what?
  13. What was a Nipper? - COMPLETED THANKS
  14. Munitions Factory
  15. new project re GWR and Great War
  16. pattern and model maker
  17. Captain in the Merchant Service ?
  18. Merchant Seaman - How can I find out more?
  19. Shipbuilders Greenock
  20. head railway servant
  21. Engineer Turner
  22. Royal Irish Constabulary
  23. Whitening Figure W Image Maker
  24. Royal Irish Constabulary /search for a Patrick WHITE)
  25. The Old White Beare Inn
  26. Excise Officer - Entry Papers
  27. Ministry of Defence Police.
  28. Police Roll of Honour
  29. Occupation - Gamekeeper
  30. Groom/Coachman
  31. photographic cabinetmaker
  32. Detective Office.............. help please!
  33. Farriers - length of apprenticeship
  34. 4th Hand
  35. Occupation - Police Bar Officer
  36. Bennett coachbuilder, Worship Street, Shoreditch.
  37. Stocking Weaver
  38. 3 generations of Blacksmiths
  39. R W Cl occupation
  40. Rates of Pay
  41. Would a Hatter work in a Hattery?
  42. Completed. thanks.What on earth is a 'Pump Sinker'?
  43. Carter for Brick tile maker
  44. Occupation: Fellowship Porter ??
  45. bridgend & neath railway
  46. Football - Scunthorpe and Lindsay
  47. mine agent
  48. Can U Read Occupation
  49. Jack and Ironworks Jack
  50. apprentiships