1066 Genealogy was officially formed in September 1999 (although we were operating a couple of years before that) and its main purpose was, and still is, to encourage and assist the study and research of Family History and Genealogy especially in Hastings and the 1066 Country.
The best way to use this site is to click in the little box in the top right hand corner where it says 'search' - Type in the name you are looking for, press 'return' and let the site find every occurence of that name in the archives I have published - which at the present moment is 190+ different sections of transcribed Data & Information. (05/03/13)
Please remember to search/enter using all Variants of a Surname, e.g. - putting in FOORD will not find FOORDE, FORD, FORDE, etc.
But there again, if you feel that you just want to browse the contents and have a good read - then please feel free to do so as there are lots of interesting tit bits from the East Sussex Archives.
Click on the 'Read More' below to see the list of updates
Chris in 1066Land
NB - In early August 2012 I was diagnosed with a
rare disease that only effects 1 in 20,000 people. It is called
'Myasthenia Gravis' which is classified as an auto-immune disease where the
body's immune system attacks itself weakening the voluntary muscles that
control the eyes, the face, throat and limbs and the muscles that help you breath.
There is no
cure, but treatment is available to control it, but it takes anywhere from 2 to
5 years to be effective; so please forgive me for any delay in answering your enquiry. NEW - my own personal web site - www.swarbrooke.com Latest Update -
2nd February 2013 Two early pupil registers of Halton Infant School, covering the period 1874 -75. (67 pupils) and 1870 – 1900 consisting of 45 pages each containing the names of 45 pupils(2025 in all) now in alphabetical order. This is a surname database only. The full data included for each pupil is: Pupil No.,Date of Birth, Date of Admission, Date if Readmitted, Previous School (few entries as Infants), Name of Parent, Residence and Date of Leaving (again few entries). |