Can someone please help me. I am hoping that I can get photos from the St Mary’s Church, Whittlesey. Living in South Australia makes it hard for me to visit the church.
I have tried the church, several times over the last 6 months, but nothing has happened.
Apparently in the North Aisle there is “The family vault of Henry HAYNES”. I have no idea what it looks like & there are plaques that read;
"Henry Haynes
sixty years deputy Lieutenant of the
Isle of Ely
born April 21st 1782 died April 11th 1864
also Mary Ann his wife
daughter of Robert and Sarah Hotchkin
died Dec 2nd 1849 aged 73 years
nine of their children
five sons and four daughters
Sarah, relict of Robert Hotchkin,
of Tixover, Rutland
died June 11th 1828 aged 73 years
Four surviving children
have erected this tablet
in affectionate remembrance."
"In affectionate remembrance
Alice Haynes daughter of Henry and Mary Haynes
who died Dec 31, 1848
in the 70th year of her age
also of
Susannah Wraight
her long tried and valued friend
only child of
Walker and Susannah Wraight
of Wisbeach ;
she departed this life
October 29th 1854
in the 78th year of her age.
Ye are my friends if ye do whatsoever
I have commanded you."
And there is a monument, for his parents, on the South Wall of Chancel, which reads;
"Henry Haynes
who died on the night of October 29th 1800
in the 55th year of his age
To the Almighty who alone knoweth the heart
must be left the awful task
of recording his virtues
In the bosom of his family where they were most exercised
they will be best remembered
His children in silent anguish
perform the last mournful duty
towards a beloved parent
by erecting this monument to his memory
This marble further perpetuates the memory of
Mary the beloved wife of Henry Haynes
who after a life spent in innocence and virtue
resigned her gentle spirit
into the hands of God
on Saturday the 3rd day of March 1810 in the
69th year of her age."
Hopefully, someone can help me.