
Old Photographs, Recognition, Handwriting Deciphering => Free Photo Restoration & Date Old Photographs => Topic started by: Eric Hatfield on Saturday 16 March 24 12:04 GMT (UK)

Title: Scottish portrait date and age
Post by: Eric Hatfield on Saturday 16 March 24 12:04 GMT (UK)
I am researching the Stephen family who lived in Aberdeenshire in the 19th and early 20th century. Annie Shepherd Gibb married Thomas Stephen in Aberdeen in 1891.

I have many old family photos dated around 1920 with names written on the back. Most of the photos are of Annie & Thomas and several of their children. But one photo is not clearly labelled, and I'm not sure there's a resemblance to anyone else I have named. I'm hoping dating it might help identify the people.

It appears to be 3 generations of a family. It is printed on a postcard sized 5.3 in x 3.3 in (13.2 cm x 8.4 cm). On the reverse side it simply says "Post Card", and underneath in smaller letters: "For correspondence" on the left and "Address Only" on the right.

Thanks for any help.
Title: Re: Scottish portrait date and age
Post by: jim1 on Saturday 16 March 24 17:22 GMT (UK)
The start date is just pre WW1 & possibly into the war years but I
suspect it's pre war by the the girl's dress style.
Is there a stamp box on the back?
Often they are dateable.
Title: Re: Scottish portrait date and age
Post by: Viktoria on Saturday 16 March 24 18:04 GMT (UK)
Yes  very late Victorian to  Edwardian, but Edward did not reign very long so 1890’s to 1910 ,but ordinary people did not change fashion very quickly and the photograph might well be into George V’s era.
Viktoria, 1837-1901
Edward Vll - 1901- 1910.
GeorgeV , 1910-1936.

Title: Re: Scottish portrait date and age
Post by: Gadget on Saturday 16 March 24 19:05 GMT (UK)
The start date is just pre WW1 & possibly into the war years but I
suspect it's pre war by the the girl's dress style.
Is there a stamp box on the back?
Often they are dateable.

I agree with Jim - say 1911-1913.

Title: Re: Scottish portrait date and age
Post by: jim1 on Saturday 16 March 24 21:30 GMT (UK)
Not 1890's as this is a postcard & they didn't arrive until 1902 & they had "for inland post only"
on the back until 1907.
Title: Re: Scottish portrait date and age
Post by: Eric Hatfield on Sunday 17 March 24 07:08 GMT (UK)
Thanks for these really useful replies. If we say 1911-13 as an approximate date, and the girl is aged about 6, then she was born about 1906 (plus or minus a few years). So that may help me identify who she might be.

Is there a stamp box on the back?

No. Here's what it looks like.
Title: Re: Scottish portrait date and age
Post by: Gadget on Sunday 17 March 24 11:34 GMT (UK)
If it helps, I'd say the woman was in her late 20s - mid 30s.
Title: Re: Scottish portrait date and age
Post by: Gadget on Sunday 17 March 24 11:40 GMT (UK)
Looking again at the photo, I'm wondering if it is nearer the beginning of WW1. The woman and child look sad/serious. Could the husband/father have enlisted and the photo is for him to take with him?
Title: Re: Scottish portrait date and age
Post by: oldfashionedgirl on Sunday 17 March 24 13:56 GMT (UK)
I thought it could be a ‘husband about to go to war’ photo as I have some very similar in dress and hairstyles.
The 3 I have were all taken at the same time, husband in Scottish Military uniform, husband and wife, and the 6 children.
Looking at the youngest child, a baby, and knowing his birth date my photo would have been taken around 1912/13.
Title: Re: Scottish portrait date and age
Post by: Eric Hatfield on Monday 18 March 24 09:34 GMT (UK)
Could the husband/father have enlisted and the photo is for him to take with him?
That is a good thought. If he was about to go off to war, you'd think they'd take a photo of mother and child with him rather than with his/her father. But if he was already in France, perhaps this makes more sense?

I have some very similar in dress and hairstyles.
That is helpful to know. It's all pointing to maybe 1911-1915, with the middle of the range perhaps more likely.

Thanks to both of you.
Title: Re: Scottish portrait date and age
Post by: japeflakes on Monday 18 March 24 18:47 GMT (UK)
I am going for 1913-14 era.
Title: Re: Scottish portrait date and age
Post by: Eric Hatfield on Wednesday 20 March 24 00:45 GMT (UK)
I am going for 1913-14 era.

Thanks. 1913 seems to be the centre of the estimates. I'll work on that.
Title: Re: Scottish portrait date and age
Post by: J.J. on Monday 29 April 24 00:57 BST (UK)
   What a fabulous image!!!...I think you've been given great advice as the little girl's double width drop waist panel and the button leggings looks good for the era c.1915.
adding: Some of their other children also moved further afield, as Christian (who died young...likely in childbirth)  & Daniel ( who lived a century!) went to the United could be a wandering rellie.
They'll be happy to have your input on more family tree details, I'm sure.
   Not that this is necessarily the case, but one must be open-minded as it also was not unheard of for much older men to marry younger women.  J.J.
Title: Re: Scottish portrait date and age
Post by: Eric Hatfield on Monday 29 April 24 06:10 BST (UK)
I think you've been given great advice as the little girl's double width drop waist panel and the button leggings looks good for the era c.1915.
Thanks. There seems to be a consensus from about 1911-1915.

Daniel ( who lived a century!) went to the United States
This was Daniel Stephen. Yes, he had a long and colourful life. I met him once, quite a while ago now, when he visited Australia. I wish I had the opportunity now to ask him some questions! At least 2 of that generation went to the US and at least one to Australia.

it also was not unheard of for much older men to marry younger women
Yes, I had wondered that. I thought maybe there was some resemblance between woman and man, indicating he was her father, but I'm not much good that that and I may only be imagining it. I am hoping the age of the child will be the easiest basis fior identification. So far I haven't found a good choice, but I need to do some more searching in the wider family tree.
Title: Re: Scottish portrait date and age
Post by: Alison55 on Tuesday 30 April 24 18:53 BST (UK)
The young woman's hair is long and done in an up-do style. After WW1, women 'bobbed' their hair to short styles, except for some much older women.  That plus the long dress indicate a pre-1920 date.  After the war, skirts went up, way up.
As for the solemn faces indicating a 'going to war' photo, I'm sorry to disagree.  People just didn't smile in formal photos, just like formal paintings for those who could afford them.  You might take a look at the 1900 tintype I posted here yesterday.  It was the baby's christening and no one is smiling except a wee smile from the young mother who just couldn't resist!
Title: Re: Scottish portrait date and age
Post by: Gadget on Tuesday 30 April 24 19:01 BST (UK)
Could I draw your attention to Jim's dating over a month ago. He is the RC dating guru  :)

The start date is just pre WW1 & possibly into the war years but I
suspect it's pre war by the the girl's dress style.
Is there a stamp box on the back?
Often they are dateable.
Title: Re: Scottish portrait date and age
Post by: Alison55 on Tuesday 30 April 24 19:22 BST (UK)
Yes and thank you. I was just adding my vote.