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Messages - caedmonshymn

Pages: [1]
Northumberland / Re: Bassett/Edwards
« on: Friday 19 March 10 00:20 GMT (UK)  »
Okay, more info came through  The man I am looking for is Edward Edwards, not Edwin Edwards- though who knows that could be the name of his father.  He was born in 1867 I believe and may have had a brother named Wallace.

Northumberland / Re: Bassett/Edwards
« on: Wednesday 17 March 10 23:45 GMT (UK)  »
1857 birth date for Edwin Bassett Edwards comes from an unofficial record where he is listed as the spouse of his wife. The tree goes on to trace her lineage, not his. 

It's really a shot in the dark because there is so much suspicous behavior around this family. An old story goes that Edwin came into Texas through Port Isabel with his wife and older children- where they were first no ones seems to know and the children are all gone save the youngest.  My grandmother was born here, the story says, daughter to Edwin, but I can't locate a birth certificate for her here where we were told she was born.

Edwin got caught up in the law, supposed murdered a man- it's claimed in self defense- panicked, and took off for California.  He later returned and turned himself in.

The story goes on to say he and his brother came here from England.    The best bet may be to try to trace his brother's family (they may have more substantiated information).

It's so weird that there is debate on whether my grandmother's name really was Viola Edwards or if she was born Mary Violet Edwards.

And to add more confusion the Mexican naming system could have added a Garcia, her mother's maiden name into the name.

Northumberland / Re: Bassett/Edwards
« on: Wednesday 17 March 10 03:39 GMT (UK)  »
I got another possible lead tonight. Edwin would have a brother, possibly
named Clarence or who had a son named Clarence. It's all so
confusing.  There was a Governor of Louisiana named Edwin Edwards,(born 1927)
son of Clarence Edwards, who is related to Edwin Bassett Edwards.
We think Clarence could be Edwin B Edwards' brother. We know he came here with a brother, I just don't know if Clarence is the right generation.

Northumberland / Re: Bassett/Edwards
« on: Wednesday 17 March 10 00:04 GMT (UK)  »
That's the best lead yet. Thank you, from Texas!

Northumberland / Re: Bassett/Edwards
« on: Tuesday 16 March 10 19:17 GMT (UK)  »
The date given for Edwin's birth is December 28, 1857.  Married in 1897, but likely that took place when he reached the US.  Unfortunately I don't have much more information than this.  The family history on my father's side is very sketchy.  Edwin Bassett Edwards, we are told took his mother's maiden name (Bassett) as his middle name.  Edwin went on to marry a woman from Mexico, Maria de Jesus Garcia.  His first son's name is Edwin Bassett Edwards II.

Sunderland is also a possibility.  As I said anything at this point could be a lead.

Thanks for such a quick reply and the info given.

Northumberland / Bassett/Edwards
« on: Tuesday 16 March 10 18:03 GMT (UK)  »
I am from the U.S. so probably in the wrong place, but I am looking for some information on two families.

All we have for sure is a name of my great grandfather Edwin Bassett Edwards, who presumably came from the North Shields area.  The birth date given is 1857.  We no nothing past this name and place but were told his mother was a Bassett.

Any help would be much appreciated, even if just to tell me I'm looking in the wrong county.  Thank you.

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