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Messages - BonnieBell

Pages: [1]
I'm new at this, so I hope I'm posting in the right place.
In 1910 a 15 year old Feeble-Minded boy was sent from a HOME in LONDON to LETTERSTON to work as a Domestic on Trecoed Farm which was run by Widow Ann Owen and her children.
His name was John Swain. A notation on his record back at the Home, said that (for some reason) he had his wages lowered, so perhaps he was not able to carry out his duties.
In the 1911 Census he is still there and now 16 but nothing more was ever learned about him.  It is unlikely that he ever married but the family would like to know whatever happened to him.  Did he stay in the area, did he go to work on another farm or did he go back to London? I am in Canada and have no idea where to look next.  Thank you so much for any direction.

Pembrokeshire / Re: George Owen & Family of Trecoed Farm, Letterston
« on: Monday 03 September 12 01:40 BST (UK)  »
Thank you so much for your efforts but I'm afraid these boys are not from my family. John (or Thomas, not sure which) was feeble-minded and would not have traveled alone or had the money to do that.
He was abandoned in 1902 at the age of 8 when his mother died and was in various homes from that time, till he ended up on the farm. I doubt that he knew he had a brother George one year younger.


Pembrokeshire / George Owen & Family of Trecoed Farm, Letterston
« on: Sunday 02 September 12 02:04 BST (UK)  »
This is my first posting. Please bear with me as I am in Canada and know nothing of the various areas in the UK.
In 1911 a relative of mine from a WORKHOUSE in London, was sent to work on the farm of George Owen at Trecoed, Letterston, Dyfed, South Wales.  He was only 17 and Feeble-Minded and not sure how long he stayed there.  Thomas (or John) Swain born in 1894 arrived there in October of 1910 and still there in March of 1911 and already had his wages lowered, so he must have a burden to this Owen family and perhaps did not even stay. The last sighting of him was in the 1911 Census.  Does anyone in that area, have memory of him and some information I can use to track his whereabouts?  Thank you so much for any help with this mystery.  There were 6  children in that family and I have not been able to locate any of them after 1911. Only one girl, my grandmother came to Canada with Barnardo's in 1899 and never knew anything about her siblings.

Thanks very much,

Canada / Re: Samuel Findlay Bell 30A & marriage *SOLVED*
« on: Monday 22 November 10 20:53 GMT (UK)  »
Hello MongrelNation:

Looking forward to hearing from you soon.


Canada / Re: Samuel Findlay Bell 30A & marriage *SOLVED*
« on: Monday 22 November 10 20:36 GMT (UK)  »

Thank you for trying to help with the whereabouts of Samuel Findlay Bell. The more people working on this the better.


Canada / Re: Samuel Findlay Bell 30A & marriage *SOLVED*
« on: Saturday 20 November 10 00:28 GMT (UK)  »
Hello Mongrel Nation:

This is my first posting and I may not be doing it right. 

I read your postings from July 11th to July 18th about Samuel Findlay Bell who was born 1900 in Saltcoats and who left for Canada in 1922 or 1923.

Will you contact me please?


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