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Messages - davemoore

Pages: [1]
Somerset Lookup Requests / Re: Yeovil Parish Registers - Rowe
« on: Thursday 04 December 08 04:26 GMT (UK)  »
Hi Laurie
Many thanks for your message - it turns out that ROWE is my correct line and the Frederick & Harriet that I was chasing was a false alarm. However, you are quite correct that Fred & Harr are actually BOWEN .
Once your info had convinced me of my error, I was able to actually retrench and find the correct ROWE line - so many thanks for putting me right!

Best wishes
David in Canada

Oxfordshire Lookup Requests / Re: Oxford College Chapel Registers - Harris
« on: Thursday 01 September 05 01:15 BST (UK)  »
Many thanks, Paula - I will look into the two leads you have given me more closely.

Unless you have looked already and drawn a blnk - could you check the Samuel Harris and Mary 1810 marriage for the rest of Oxon, not just the city? Mary gives her birthplace as Horsepath in the census and Samuel certainly came from Horsepath but no such marriage in the Horsepath registers.

David  ???

Berkshire Lookup Requests / Re: Frilford Parish Registers - Baldwin
« on: Wednesday 06 July 05 15:29 BST (UK)  »
Hi Newbie

Many thanks for your efforts so far and for confirming no Susannah in Frilford.

I assume that she had moved to Harwell by the time she married and was thus "otp" by then. But she claimed Frilford as her birthplace. The only longshot I can think of now is that her family might have been living in Frilford but attending/using a church in an adjacent parish that was actually closer than Frilford or Marcham church e.g. Garford, Tubney or Fyfield?

Best Wishes


Berkshire Lookup Requests / Re: Frilford Parish Registers - Baldwin
« on: Thursday 30 June 05 13:21 BST (UK)  »
Thanks for your info. Yes, I did have much of it but not some of the details. Anyone know the implication of the "coroner's order"? Does this imply suspicious circumstances? Might be an idea to see if Susannah left a will....but that's another project!

For Newbie, Susanna(h) is clear on Frilford as her birthplace but, as I mentioned, I couldn't find her there. Perhaps you will be able to spot her!

Thanks again


Berkshire Lookup Requests / Re: Frilford Parish Registers - Baldwin
« on: Wednesday 29 June 05 20:42 BST (UK)  »
Hi Newbie

Many thanks for your reply. Whaenever you can do the look-up is fine. I would like any copy trhat you can get and will reinmburse of course. I still have a UK bank a/c for that sort of thing.

Susannah BALDWIN married my ggg g-father  William BLISSETT  20 Nov 1809 in Harwell, Berks.I don't have the actual marriage cert. which might have helped shed more light given the difficulty in finding Susanna's birth/baptism. Maybe if you could see that original marriage entry it might help. It would at least say if Susannah was a spinster.

Susannah was widowed certainly before 1851 and possibly before 1841.

In all of the subsequent census entries, she gives her birthplace as Frilford, Berks and her year of birth as 1790 or 1791.

She died in 1873 in Wantage Reg. Dis.

I previously ( very hurriedly) tried the Frilford registers on a brief visit to the BRO about 15 years ago - no luck. I have subsequently wondered if, in fact, she was baptised in an adjacent parish such as Marcham. Then I wondered if she married as a widow  (even though only 18 or 19 at this marriage) and had a different birth name?!! Unlikely!

I also wondered if Susannah would have had another rendition - but I would have spotted Susan.....

Any help in solving the mystery gratefully received. I have had my share of ancestors trying to obscure births "out of wedlock" and maybe this is just another one??

Best wishes


Berkshire Lookup Requests / Frilford Parish Registers - Baldwin
« on: Wednesday 01 June 05 19:17 BST (UK)  »
Looking for the baptism of my gggg-mother Susannah Baldwin in 1790 or 1791 in Frilford ( according to the 51/61/71 census). Suspect this could have been in an adjacent parish.

Any help, gratefully received

David Moore
Kingston Ontario Canada

Oxfordshire Lookup Requests / Oxford College Chapel Registers - Harris
« on: Wednesday 01 June 05 19:05 BST (UK)  »
Searching for two marriages in Oxford:

Samuel Harris and Mary ? in 1810
William Harris and Elizabeth ? in 1780, 1781 or 1782

Both marriages, I believe, took place in Oxford possibly in Magdelene, Brasenose or Queen's College

Any help in tracing these will be much appreciated

David Moore
Kingston Ontario Canada

Somerset Lookup Requests / Publow/Pensford Parish Registers - Carpenter
« on: Wednesday 01 June 05 18:56 BST (UK)  »
Looking for the baptism of  my ggg-father Moses Carpenter in Publow or Pensford in 1807 or 1808. Anyone able to look up - thanks in advance.

Somerset Lookup Requests / Yeovil Parish Registers - ROWE
« on: Wednesday 01 June 05 18:51 BST (UK)  »
Looking for the marriage of Frederick P. Rowe to Harriett ? in Yeovil in 1824 to 1826.
Any help much appreciated
David Moore
Kingston, Ontario, Canada

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