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Messages - YJC

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Australia / Re: Victoria(possibly but area not def) death+marriage-SMEE, Winifred
« on: Monday 04 December 17 10:57 GMT (UK)  »
Hi  LizzieAnne  -  I'm  going  to  try  &  send  you  a  private  reply,  not  been  on  this  site  for  a  long  time  so  I'm  a  little  rusty ,  fingers  crossed  ...........  Yvonne

Canada / Re: Fitch-Albert Edward
« on: Friday 08 January 16 15:50 GMT (UK)  »
Happy  New  Year  Raegan.
I  just  wanted  to  check  that  you  have  received  the  'personal  message'  I  sent  you  before  Christmas,  if  not  please  let  me  know.  Please  don't  think  I'm pushing you  for  a  reply,  whenever  you  have  time.
Bye for now

Canada / Re: Fitch-Albert Edward
« on: Tuesday 15 December 15 10:58 GMT (UK)  »
Thanks re 1881 census etc.
However, there does seem to be a bit of confusion re his year of birth - it depends which recs. you look at whether it was 1879 or 1880 e.g. death rec says 1879 as opposed to the census 1880 ??? Perhaps he wasn't sure himself ? I think I should go with 1880 though.
Thanks again - Yvonne

Canada / Re: Fitch-Albert Edward
« on: Saturday 12 December 15 16:27 GMT (UK)  »
Many  thanks  Martin.  I've  ordered  & received  these  recs.,  which  only  consists  of  one  page,  from  N/Arch  today.  I  have  a  prob. with  his  year  of  birth  as  it  differs  by 2years  to  my  info., 1879  &  1881 (although  the  date & month  is  the  same). The  age  given  on 9/10/1899 = 18  but  I  have  him  as  being  20. More  checking  reqd. &/or  perhaps  Raegan  will  be  able  to  conf.  his  dob  ???
As  yet,  I've  not  had  a  chance  to  look  at  the  page  any  further  or  to  see  if  it  checks  against  info  I  already  have.................
Thanks  again  Yvonne

Canada / Re: Fitch-Albert Edward
« on: Friday 11 December 15 11:01 GMT (UK)  »
Many  thanks  for  your  help.

Canada / Re: Fitch-Albert Edward
« on: Thursday 10 December 15 16:34 GMT (UK)  »
Hello Raegan - many thanks for your message, it's lovely to hear from a  2nd cousins once removed !, at least that is what it tells me on a relationship chart I have.
It's so long since I've used this site I hope I'm replying to you correctly ?? I am unable to work out how to reply by way of a 'private message'.
I have found out a little more about Bert (Albert) & Lizzie's (Elizabeth) family in as much as the names of his children & the fact that Eileen was adopted by them. I have dates of birth & death for Bert, Lizzie, Lucy + Eileen but not your G'Dad, Cyril, perhaps you would let me have those dates  please.
Do you have any photos of Bert + Lizzie (this is the names they were always known by to my Mum - Bert's niece) that you wouldn't mind emailing me please ?? I have a copy of one of them together taken later in life + one I believe is of Bert in his naval uniform.
Do you by any chance have a photo of their gravestone ?
Do you know a member of the Fitch family, Lee, who lives in the Far East ? I was in touch with him & he was waiting to hear from his Gran in Canada, he was then going to send me some info but I haven't heard anything for over a year now, don't know why.
Hope that all makes sense.
I look forward to hearing from you.
Bye for now & once again thanks,

Hertfordshire / Re: PALLETT Family of Essendon
« on: Tuesday 21 January 14 11:38 GMT (UK)  »
Hi  Paul,  thanks  for  your  message. Thomas  Pallett  (1803-1871)  was  my  great, great Grandad.
I've  only  managed  to  go  back  as  far  as  c1735  on  the  'Pallett's  of  Essendon'  which  is  where  I  hit  quite  a  large  brick  wall  !!  How  about  you  ??

Hertfordshire / Re: PALLETT Family of Essendon
« on: Saturday 21 April 12 13:49 BST (UK)  »
I had located & saved details of a 'Settlement Order' dated 11/2/1750 for Robert PALLETT from Ardeley, Stevenage to Essendon Herts, ref D/P37/13/3. However I am now unable to locate it. I have found brief details on - BUT this does not give me the full details. I have also tried Nat Archives but to no avail.
 Is anyone able to help me locate the order in full via the web please.

Many thanks

Sussex / Re: Cornwell John - Heathfield c1830-1902
« on: Monday 24 October 11 10:39 BST (UK)  »
Hi Kevin
Thanks for the clarification re Mark/Mary !
I did wonder after I had sent my earlier message if the elusive John was the person named as John's (who marr Mary) Father. I'm started to think he wasn't actually a 'real' person but simply a name on a cert ????? I have also hit a BIG BRICK WALL with him.
I have heard back from my GR contact - she has Robert's Army recs saved but is currently having probs sending them to me this space !!!!
She has said she would be interested in making contact with you - do you want to arrange this by way of direct email ? If not I will ref her to your details via Roots.
You haven't said how far you have managed to trace the Cornwell clan back in time - have you got any further than me ?
We are not convinced Robert actually marr Ann  as there do not appear to be any divorce recs for him & Hannah, although they do appear to have lived together.
Bye for now

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