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Messages - Ankaret

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Hertfordshire Lookup Requests / Re: Dawes of Watford
« on: Friday 18 January 13 15:01 GMT (UK)  »
I'm not aware of any connection. But I'm in uncharted waters now the research for Dawes has spread out of the Kent scene. Ankaret.

Hertfordshire Lookup Requests / Re: Dawes of Watford
« on: Wednesday 16 January 13 10:57 GMT (UK)  »
Thank you folks for those points and important links. I spent hours on line last night. If this develops further I will let you know what I find. Ankaret

Hertfordshire Lookup Requests / Re: Dawes of Watford
« on: Tuesday 15 January 13 09:45 GMT (UK)  »
Kind of you to reply. Thank you. I have been able to view some Wills from the Canterbury collection of the Dawes at Kent. Do you know how to do it for the Hertford (Watford) area? I would very much like to search for these persons you mention. I see on the National Archives there is a provision but Im obviously not hitting the right buttons. Anyone?
Thanks again Maddie. Ankaret.

Hertfordshire Lookup Requests / Dawes of Watford
« on: Monday 14 January 13 19:57 GMT (UK)  »
I am looking for some local Watford, Hertfordshire knowledge. I have carefully researched my Dawes family tree through Deal in Kent to my 6th great grandpa Richard Dawes a Victualler. He was not born in that parish and I only seem to have two small clues as to a possible place of his birth. (The only date I definitely have is his Deal marriage of 1755.)
He has  two brothers, William and John Dawes (at least). In William Dawes Will of 1761 also in Deal and a Victualler he names JOHN DAWES OF WATFORD in Hertford as a Labourer.
It's a long shot because Watford may not be their origins either, but during this time frame was Watford in any way a victualling route to the coast.... could anyone suggest a possible link or connection that might explain the distance split in this family?
Or does anyone know anything about the Dawes name in Watford at this time?
I would be most grateful for even a small snippet or thought. Best Regards. Ankaret.

Kent Lookup Requests / Re: Bowles of Deal
« on: Thursday 27 December 12 20:27 GMT (UK)  »
Thank you for the "snippets". It confirms Richard Dawes and Hannah Bowles Dawes line.
The really fascinating thing is that the earlier mentioned Bethel Dawes is Deals mayor. He died without a direct heir in 1777. One of the buildings he owned in Deal was rented to a Cordwainer Mackney, who apprecticed Richard Dawes son of Richard and Hannah above.
This "Dawes link" appears at the moment to be total coincidence. Not a provable family connection.
So in review.. we seem to have Hannah Bowles parents and birth. Thank you. Researching more into that. Any idea who the sibling to Hannah was that you mentioned? Was it a John Bowles?
No idea where and when Richard Dawes her spouse originated from. May raise a new topic about him as I am slowly eliminating various local Dawes possibilities from Dover, Canterbury etc.

Kent Lookup Requests / Re: Bowles of Deal
« on: Monday 24 December 12 18:45 GMT (UK)  »

On the contrary..your comment is most helpful. Thank you so much.
I had managed to find some Walmer records from Find My Past, special collections Canterbury Cathedral..Walmer parish. The small number I obtained didnt help me. They were damaged and jumped around through the years, I wondered if they were complete. So the fact you have found the 1731 entry for Hannah Bowles plus her parents is good going. Very grateful AJ that you should be on location and transcribing such helpful records.
With regard the Deal records. I do have more. Most the Dawes history except Richard Dawes birth which remains unconfirmed.  Good holidays to you. Will remain attentive to any of your future revelations.  Ankaret. 

Kent Lookup Requests / Bowles of Deal
« on: Thursday 20 December 12 20:04 GMT (UK)  »
Bowles of Deal

I have a confirmed marriage in Deal of Richard Dawes and Hannah Bowles 1755.  I have been unable to confirm either of their births. The marriage registration did give some helpful names  1) Herbert Randolph the rector (who must have been invited back from Woodchurch parish as he left Deal parish 25 years before)....and 2) witnesses that I am still tracing. Gill(y) and another Dawes.(although the inked name reads at first glance Baines).
The wed couple signed their own names so were clearly literate.

Question 1) Does anyone know about this famous rector who is buried at Canterbury Cathedral.
              2) There seem to be many Bowles families in and around Deal. Can anyone confirm the Bowles of Sandown Castle who was Porter from 1751 for 43 years so that I can eliminate him?  I have no first name.
              3) Is there a Bowles expert out there for Deal?  I have read about the early Bowles (1600-1750 approx)and their enterprises/trade ships and London/Deal tobacco , slave trade connections. There is never a mention of a Hannah Bowles anywhere. I dont think she is from them. Again need to eliminate every Bowles possible. Thank you anyone with any comment at all. Ankaret

Kent Lookup Requests / Re: BOWLES of Benenden
« on: Thursday 20 December 12 19:51 GMT (UK)  »
After previous comments and further research I would like to raise a new subject for Bowles in Deal (instead of Bowles of Benenden).  Ankaret.

Kent Lookup Requests / Re: BOWLES of Benenden
« on: Friday 14 December 12 18:20 GMT (UK)  »
Thank you for your direction.

I have this week successfully found the marriage entry in the parish records for Richard Dawes and Hannah Bowles. 1755.  I have a question.  Half the marriages on the page are marriages by Banns and half by Licence.
What does this mean?  Ankaret.

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