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Messages - May Hem

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Australia / Re: # 32 Reply summary of family = HART P J & Corcoran M NSW Australia
« on: Thursday 30 April 15 22:44 BST (UK)  »
Thank you, Dundee - expanding the information re Patrick will give Courtney 1986 the the full picture.
I did enquire about the 3 Certificates mentioned in Remarks - I was hoping these elaborated on the siblings and parents. The very helpful person at Port Arthur archives said these certificates would have related to Patrick's jail and conduct. :D

Australia / Re: # 32 Reply summary of family = HART P J & Corcoran M NSW Australia
« on: Thursday 30 April 15 12:44 BST (UK)  »
Hi Courtney 1986

I found the information you want -
information from - you can apply for transcriptions from the records.
Patrick Hart, convict, database No. 30908, Convict number 33869, Tasmanian convict record p. 14303, ex Tipperary, Ireland.
Arrived on Emily 2, 14 March 1844, aged 24 yrs of age, Roman Catholic, so birth date 1820.
He had been sentenced to 7 yrs jail, and granted Certificate of Pardon in 1851.
His crime was beating a man in company with a convict named Tierney.
His Convict details are Conduct Record CON33/60, Indent CON14/29, Description list CON 18/37.
His parents were John and Ellen, he has 2 brothers, John and Frank, and a sister, Mary Ellen.
You can apply for this transcript from the Port Arthur website.

He married Margaret Corkens/Corcoran, nee Macklin, in Victoria in 1853.
Initially lived in Inglewood, Victoria/Longwood area of Victoria.They next appearin Walbundrie which is a small place in the Albury District.
All 3 daughters married in that area - Mary Ann, b, 1856, m. Chas Toll at Mahonga Station, Ellen Mary b.1857 married John Owens and Elizabeth b. 1858 married James Middleton at St Patricks, RC Church, Albury.
Margaret Hart  next appears around Urana and the Narrandera area where her daughters were living.Margaret died in 1891 and is buried in an unmarked grave in Narrandera cemetery.
We think Patrick died in 1895 in the hospital for the insane at Rydalmere, Sydney and is buried in Rookwood cemetery.
Mary Ann died in 1890 from complications after childbirth. She also lies in an unmarked grave in Narrandera area.
Ellen Mary had 12 children and died in 1903 from complications during childbirth - she and her twins are buried in an unmarked grave near Whitton, near Leeton NSW.
Elizabeth had 6 children and we have no details of her whereabouts. You may be able to provide that detail for us.
The Hart story is one of poverty and hardship. :'( Sorry.
I hope all this information sheds some light for your family history.

Australia / Re: # 32 Reply summary of family = HART P J & Corcoran M NSW Australia
« on: Wednesday 29 April 15 14:25 BST (UK)  »
Yes, the James Hart and Margaret Danaher marriage lead us all to bark up the wrong tree.
Elizabeth's parents were James Patrick Hart, commonly Patrick Hart, and Margaret Corkens.
Mary Ann was born in Inglewood too from memory.
All my files are currently in storage, but I do have a marriage certificate for Elizabeth and James in Albury. I seem to remember that the marriage date was a little later than 1868. You can get a copy of their wedding certificate from the Catholic Church in Albury - they are very obliging.
I strongly recommend that you contact Jamison because he has descended from the same family as yourself.
Patrick Hart was a convict, imprisoned in Hobart. You can see his full family details on their website, and you can order a very handsome copy of that entry. Patrick was sentenced for beating up someone called Quinn whom I suspect may have been Red Kelly's father in law. Patrick seemed to be a model prisoner and earned his release upon which time he went to Victoria for the gold diggings.
He was not related to the Steve Hart of the Kelly Gang. Descendants of the Kelly/ Hart family have confirmed that fact for me. I have not been able to find any early information of Margaret Corkerns, she seemed to have always been present in her daughters' lives at the birth of their various children. Mary Ann died near Narrandera shortly after giving birth to the third child of her second marriage, and her mother Margaret Corkerns Hart died shortly after- from memory about 1892. We have not been successful in finding either of their graves in Narrandera or the nearby settlements. I think they led wretched lives, and it is very sad to read the scant story of their lives. :'(
I am sorry to be offering very general information - I have not been looking at family history for the past 3 years - I think it is time to do so again.
I will keep you in mind as I unearth more.

Australia / Re: # 32 Reply summary of family = HART P J & Corcoran M NSW Australia
« on: Wednesday 29 April 15 12:10 BST (UK)  »
Hi Courtney,
I just did a google search for Elizabeth Hart Middleton, NSW and found an entry for for James Christopher Middleton on a website 'genealogist-'. It seems James Middleton died and is buried in Goulburn, NSW. Try googling 'Elizabeth Hart Middleton, NSW' and scroll down and I think you may find the chats interesting.
best wishes,

Australia / Re: # 32 Reply summary of family = HART P J & Corcoran M NSW Australia
« on: Wednesday 29 April 15 11:49 BST (UK)  »
Hi Courtney,
I have descended from Mary Ann Hart, sister of Elizabeth Hart.
My searches have been mainly confined to Mary Ann Hart who was my gt grandmother.
I think Jamison would be of more help to you because from memory Elizabeth Middleton is his direct ancestor.
You will see his posts in this thread. He will be able to give you more information, I am sure.
Good luck and best wishes with your searches.
May Hem

Australia / Re: # 32 Reply summary of family = HART P J & Corcoran M NSW Australia
« on: Friday 16 November 12 09:24 GMT (UK)  »
Hi Jamison

Sure, no problem, just give me a couple of days to retrieve those copies.
How do I PM them?

cheers, May Hem

Australia / Re: # 32 Reply summary of family = HART P J & Corcoran M NSW Australia
« on: Thursday 15 November 12 23:03 GMT (UK)  »
Hi Jamison

Firstly, in my previous chat I typed 'ancestor' when I meant descendant, so my apologies.

Secondly, I decided to focus only on the paternal name ancestors; as I was collecting too much information about many other trees.
For this reason I have focused only on Mary Ann Hart, and noted her parents and her siblings.
I did make note of her sisters' marriages, and the children of those marriages, but I left further research at this point.

I have all MAHs certificates, and the DC of Margaret Corkens/Hart, the marriage certificates of Elizabeth and Ellen Mary Hart, and (maybe) the DC of Patrick Hart.
Thank you for your offer, I think I have all that is necessary for my own research. These early settlers were pioneers in new frontiers; I suspect their existence was not officially registered to any great extent - I found it all very sad, it would have been tough times for them.

I am spending a lot of painstaking time on my paternal gt.grandfather's family in Norfolk; I was given a lot of misinformation initially.

Have you completed your trees?

Cheers, Trish

Australia / Re: # 32 Reply summary of family = HART P J & Corcoran M NSW Australia
« on: Thursday 15 November 12 19:28 GMT (UK)  »
Hi Jamison

Sorry my mistake, you are quite correct, it was James Owens, I did not check my files beforehand.
Do you copies of all the certificates? Please advise.
I feel I know all those families as I have actually been on all those properties where they once lived.
I suspect some of them may have lived in tents, and worked between the stations.

Sorry I cannot add more, they all seem to have had very hard and short lives.
We ancestors are very lucky in comparison.

best regards
May Hem

Australia / Re: # 32 Reply summary of family = HART P J & Corcoran M NSW Australia
« on: Wednesday 14 November 12 01:26 GMT (UK)  »
Hi Jamison,

From memory, I think we had settled on the Patrick Hart who died in Parramatta Mental Asylum, buried in Rookwood cemetery, Sydney.
He seemed to be the most likely candidiate, but we could not be absolutely sure it was him because the DC details were vague.

The Steve Hart descendants have not been able to find any connection at all with our Hart ancestors.
Interestingly a book, Eureka, written by Peter Fitzsimmons, has just been released re the Eureka Stockade which occurred in the 1850s in the area where our Patrick Hart and his family were living. I wondered whether Patrick had been part of that rebellion.

I recall telling you that one of MAHs children, Charles Arthur,  stayed with a Day family after he came out of the orphanage.
I think we are very distantly related because you have not only Hart but also Day connections.
Charles never discussed the family history matter with his own children, he was so young when put in the orphanage.
It was 100 years later before my uncles found his descendants and told them about their ancestry.

We have decided that all the Harts were living below subsistence level, very tragic marginal lives, unlike most new settlers who grasped the opportunities which abounded in those times. So we have relinquished pursuit of tracing all their whereabouts. We were not able to find MAH's grave or her mother's in Narrandera or surrounding cemeteries, so we assume they lie in unmarked graves. Elizabeth Owens and many of her children lie in unmarked graves also.
I did receive a copy of Elizabeth's marriage certificate from St Patrick's Church Albury.

If by chance I happen upon something new, I will share it with you.

best regards
May Hem

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