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Messages - attachmentman

Pages: [1] 2
Berkshire / Re: Mary Lucy Graham
« on: Sunday 05 August 12 10:48 BST (UK)  »
Hi there is no father so at the time she was unmarried.  Her daughter Beatrice May was born on the 10 may 1914. thats all i have.  i have succesfully trace my own ancestors back to 1759 but using that experince here i stumped? ???

Berkshire / Mary Lucy Graham
« on: Sunday 05 August 12 10:31 BST (UK)  »
Can anyone help with this.  Mary Lucy Graham was my wife's great great grandmother but all I have about her is her name on my wife's grandmothers birth certificate.  We know that she lived in Reading in Hope street and she worked at Huntley and Palmer's biscuit factory but using normal methods ie census etc the trail has gone stone cold? thanks

Surrey / Re: Frederick freeman Coole
« on: Sunday 27 May 12 11:41 BST (UK)  »
Hi Carole, sorry for delay in my response I completely missed your post.  I know he was a stepson to my great grandfather Arthur but I've nothing else to go on.  How ever I have found someone on Genes Reunited who may have him on their tree? thank you for your help on this

Surrey / Re: Frederick freeman Coole
« on: Thursday 24 May 12 17:31 BST (UK)  »
Hi Carole thanks for that.  any advice on finding people related to him more up to date? He was my grandfathers step brother so I would love to know his story etc.  :)

Surrey / Frederick freeman Coole
« on: Thursday 24 May 12 17:15 BST (UK)  »
Hi can any one help me with info on a Frederick Freeman Coole.  Is mother was Anna Coole or Hanna Coole and Frederick was born in 1901 in Blandford and died in Surrey in 1975.  Is step father was Arthur Goddard and he had two step brothers, Arthur jr and Herbert Sidney as well as a sister called Alice.  I'm looking for any one who new him? cheers

Dorset / Re: Goddard Family History Blandford Dorset
« on: Saturday 12 May 12 18:34 BST (UK)  »
I'm unable to find John Goddard and co on the 1861 census?  I'm using Genes Reunited as a source.  any ideas.  Dorset opc is great source.  :)

Ireland / Re: Hanorah Brown 1912ish moved to england
« on: Friday 11 May 12 09:19 BST (UK)  »
Hi, thank you for reply.  at the moment thats all i have.  i'll take a look at the links you have sent and keep you up to date. thanks

Dorset / Re: Goddard Family History Blandford Dorset
« on: Friday 11 May 12 09:04 BST (UK)  »
Hi K Garrad

Big thankyou for taking the time to reply.  On you firts post ypu just informed me about two daughterswho must have moved out before the 1891 census!  where did you get the info and for free? thanks again  :D

Dorset / Re: Goddard Family History Blandford Dorset
« on: Friday 11 May 12 09:02 BST (UK)  »
 :) Hi Nanny Jan, thanks for the welcome.  I didn't know about the OPC site so I will take a look this morning.

Pages: [1] 2