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Messages - chenwil

Pages: [1] 2 3 4 ... 6
Monaghan / Re: Grays - Monaghan-brick wall!!
« on: Tuesday 16 October 12 00:42 BST (UK)  »
Hi Home Again......

Sent you a p.m.   hope you get it.....   

and KCG...  I don't think I ever replied to you...   I haven't been on this site in a long time.....  and had several computer crashes in the last year.... 

It's time for me to back to the reasearch !!!

Monaghan / Re: Grays - Monaghan-brick wall!!
« on: Sunday 26 November 06 15:36 GMT (UK)  »
Hi elizabeth,

My understanding from a minister who did a lot of research for his Gray line, was that the Grays in our family were the Grays of the the same town were the Grays of the Hill....  the hollow group were primarily workers/farmers..the Hill, had money

will keep you in mind..... 

I have connected with someone on the Yeates side so my attention has been there...


Wales / Re: Where do your Welsh ancestors originate from?
« on: Wednesday 31 May 06 01:35 BST (UK)  »
I'm still trying to find out where my Seymour line came from in, I concentrated on the area where I have found the most with that surname...GLA

all I know is  Seymour +Wales+ money !! and a grt grt grt granma who says she was from there.

wasn't long after though they moved to Gloucs, Notts, Yorks and finally settled in Lancs, Warwick..

Canada Lookup Request / Re: George Percy Seymour - death or 1911 census
« on: Wednesday 31 May 06 01:12 BST (UK)  »
Do you know when George was born...the 1911 census in Canada shows only 1 george seymour born England in 1879, in October...

this george is listed in British Columbia, arrived in 1907, farmer..but showing as single....

will keep looking around for you,  I'll try some spelling variations as well...  ( I am a seymour myself and know just how often it is mis-spelled !!)


Yorkshire (West Riding) / Re: Richard C. Wilkinson Thorne to Hull
« on: Wednesday 24 May 06 01:00 BST (UK)  »
Hi Otters,

so far nothing has been cleared up for my Wilkinsons in Thorne, however, I ordered some other certifs for two sisters I am looking for.

Well, same ages approx, same parents names, same town, same occupation for Dad, except Mom's maiden name doesn't fit the puzzle.

Are any of these two yours?

Mary Wilkinson, July 12, 1840, Green, Thorne
Margaret Victoria Wilkinson, May 12, 1842, Green Thorne

father Robert Wilkinson, innkeeper
mother Sarah Wilkinson, formerly Thomas

since one older child has seymour as middle name, and that eventually became the family name, am working on the assumption mom's maiden name was seymour..

for all I know these could be mine, but don't think so at this time. 

If not yours, do you know who else is searching Thorne for Wilkinson...they might be interested in these..

take care

Nottinghamshire / Re: Geography lesson needed - Nottingham
« on: Sunday 09 April 06 03:49 BST (UK)  »
I am not quite sure who (if at all)  in the family was notable....  there was a relative that stated we were somehow connected to the swordmakers (nothing confirms this yet), and on the Seymour side, well, her name was what the family went by when the father died and wilkinson-seymour is still carried on over 100 yrs later....

Alfred's parents identified themselves in 1841 as Robert & Sarah, then 1851 as Alfred & Sarah.  Sarah in 1861 identified Wales as place of birth... in 1851 the whole family is noted from Portsmouth...but that was not wholely correct (I wonder if Robert-the father was though and the taker added the "ditto" for all). 

The only true rumour in the family that remained handed down...  one of them came from money...

sorry for the delay...the revamped computer crashed again.

Gloucestershire / Re: C of E churches in Bristol, 1830's
« on: Friday 24 March 06 00:55 GMT (UK)  »
Thanks Nashua,

I will keep this on file.  I am really not sure if these are mine but every bit helps....  I haven't confirmed it they all were under Wilkinson at that time, or later since both names travel with the kids and the family/middle name is reversed by 1860

take care


Gloucestershire / Re: C of E churches in Bristol, 1830's
« on: Tuesday 21 March 06 02:22 GMT (UK)  »

just back on line---major system crash.......

lost everything........including most of the research...

Gloucestershire / C of E churches in Bristol, 1830's
« on: Monday 13 March 06 20:12 GMT (UK)  »
I am wondering if anyone knows what C of E churches were in Bristol in the early 1830's.

My ggg grandfather's sister Sarah Wilkinson/Seymour notes birth there @ 1832. 

I am heading to LDS office in the next few weeks and am trying to narrow down what films to have brought in.  They told me it's easier to get things if I can narrow down the parishes/churches.

IGI notes a christening of Sarah, and William Thomas using surname Seymour as of Feb 1/1832 in Bristol, but no other info was submitted by the LDS member.  Nothing else shows up on their site.  It's the only lead I have on these two (William was born Durham but nothing was found there)

Their younger brother was christened in Notts in 1833 using name Alfred Seymore Wilkinson,  father Robert Wilkinson, mother Sarah.


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