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Messages - Lorraine Jones

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Leicestershire Lookup Requests / Re: Cosher/Neal Theodica Newbold Verdon
« on: Wednesday 31 May 23 09:02 BST (UK)  »
Hi, in 1861 Theo was living with Ann, her daughter, who was married to William Spencer.  I've never been able to find a death record for Theo, but I believe that William died in 1863 and Ann possibly in 1866.  I wonder if this meant that Theo was left alone and maybe ended up back in the workhouse if she was unable to look after herself and perhaps no-one knew her real name when she died.  It is certainly a name that changes with every record!  A sad ending to her life, and sad that she outlived her children, but they certainly do seem to have cared for her as long as they could.

Leicestershire Lookup Requests / Re: Cosher/Neal Theodica Newbold Verdon
« on: Saturday 27 May 23 09:15 BST (UK)  »
Hi there, good to hear from you again.  Yes I am still here and still doing research now and then.  I've just rejoined FindMyPast for a year so I can catch up with the 1921 census in the UK.  I've researched a lot around the family but still never got back very far with the Neals, hit a brick wall with the marriage of William and Theodesia.  Still have fun looking though!

Europe / Re: BELGIUM: Twins born to British parents
« on: Thursday 02 July 20 11:17 BST (UK)  »
Fabulous!  I'd love to see the translation, I was going to ask my daughter if she knew anyone who could translate it for us.

Europe / Re: BELGIUM: Twins born to British parents
« on: Wednesday 01 July 20 12:28 BST (UK)  »
Hello Ted, good to hear from you again.  I too was ridiculously pleased to see this record, I never would have found it myself and really appreciate how helpful people are.  Hope you are all OK and staying safe.  I am enjoying spending too much time doing family history at the moment, and have put lots of photos on Ancestry recently.  Just goes to show there is still new information for us to find, and new stories to hear!  Been to Swannington this morning to deliver some shopping to my mum and we had a drive around Coleorton and I wondered, as I always do, if George Neal walked along those same lanes.  I'm sure he must have done, and they really haven't changed very much.  Best wishes to all of you - Lorraine xx

Europe / Re: BELGIUM: Twins born to British parents
« on: Tuesday 30 June 20 09:40 BST (UK)  »
Hello there Richard, yes I do remember you!  I messaged you on Ancestry some time ago, after I had a DNA test done there, don't know if you still check Ancestry but I've put quite a lot of photos on there in the last couple of months.  As e-mail addresses appear to be blocked here, you could contact me for more information via them.  Can i first say a big thank you to leen for posting the information on the births of Sarah and her twin Elizabeth, this is new information for me and I am very grateful to you for finding it.  I had worked out that they were born in Molenbeek from other family members being there, so I am very pleased to see this confirmed.  William and Sarah Wilkins went to Belgium as William worked for Stablefords Wagon Works in Coalville as an engineer fitter.  Sarah's brother also worked there.  I understand from family stories that they ran a hotel or boarding house while they lived in Belgium.  When my grandad cleared his mother Sarah's house after her death, there were quite a number of books about the Lion's Mound in Brussels, and it was thought they may have lived near there.  One of Sarah's brothers kept a connection with the area, returning to lead tours of the area during the summer months.  Hope this is informative - I've got lots more information on the Wilkins family if you're interested. Best wishes, Lorraine

Leicestershire Lookup Requests / Re: Ann Neal - Newbold Verdon b 1834
« on: Saturday 18 February 17 15:25 GMT (UK)  »
Sarah, you have my sympathies, why is no one warning people how addictive this is?  Having all those lovely original parish records means I almost feel obliged to have a look through them, just to see if I recognise anyone.  I went through Desford burials yesterday between 1861 and 1872 but unable to find Theo, although I think I did find her daughter Ann Spencer there, who was buried on 2nd November 1866 aged 70 years.  Could Theo have outlived her daughter?  I also checked Market Bosworth burials for the same period, in case she was in the work house, but no sign there either.  I keep trying different searches, if anything comes of it I'll let you know.  Best wishes - Lorraine

Leicestershire Lookup Requests / Re: Ann Neal - Newbold Verdon b 1834
« on: Friday 17 February 17 11:43 GMT (UK)  »
Hi - I have been spending far too much time on the computer recently as Find My Past released Leicestershire records on-line last month.  I have found a number of interesting things, including a positive record of the burial of George Neal of Fish Pond Cottages on 10th September 1918 in Coleorton.  I think he is almost certainly buried in a grave with no headstone at St. John's Chapel in Coleorton, where there are a number of unmarked grave plots near the grave of Rebecca Meadows nee Neal.  Unfortunately the details of who was buried where at St. John's was destroyed (after a scandal where someone was allegedly buried in the wrong plot), so we are unlikely to ever know for sure unless someone in the family still knows by word of mouth.  Still no record of Theodesia though, but still looking. Trishia -  I have found the original parish record for the marriage of your grandma and granddad, my Uncle Lol and Aunt Maggie - if you would like me to send you the PDF let me have an e-mail address and I'll forward it to you.  Best wishes to everyone.  Lorraine

Leicestershire Lookup Requests / Re: Ann Neal - Newbold Verdon b 1834
« on: Monday 22 August 16 11:22 BST (UK)  »
Hi, I've had a look on the Leicestershire Villages website, Newbold Verdon have a complete transcription for everyone living there at the time of the 1851 census.  They have her there, named as Helan Crowshaw, a widow aged 80, a pauper.  I'm guessing from the number of different interpretations of her name it must be very difficult to read but I think it must be our Theophilia.  Very possible if you think 'Crosher' could be pronounced as 'Crowsher'.  I don't know what my chances are of finding a death record for her, but I will check the parish records as soon as Hinckley Library reopens (closed for refurbishment at the moment), if they still have the records there after their reorganisation.  I assume that the census records are arranged geographically, do you know if this was the case?  If so, she appears to be quite close to a Halifax House.  There is still a Halifax Farm in Newbold Verdon, I'll try to find out if this is the same one or the same site.  If you want to take a look at the census records, I Googled 'Newbold Verdon census' and they came up on the Leicestershire Villages website under family history (they're on an excel spreadsheet).

Leicestershire Lookup Requests / Re: Ann Neal - Newbold Verdon b 1834
« on: Sunday 21 August 16 19:39 BST (UK)  »
This is really interesting - very possible it could be her, particularly being in Newbold Verdon.  Is she living with anyone else, or are there address details for Newbold Verdon?  Well done you - persistence does pay off!  I know that only too rare feeling when you find something exciting, having spent many many hours going through records and finding nothing.  Trouble is, once you're addicted, you really can't stop!  Best wishes, and thanks for keeping us updated.

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