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Messages - kazzyz

Pages: [1]
Oxfordshire / Re: Children's Homes in Oxford in 1950s
« on: Thursday 25 June 15 20:53 BST (UK)  »
I just dropped in and saw your post, I cant guess who it is :)

Oxfordshire / Re: Children's Homes in Oxford in 1950s
« on: Tuesday 22 October 13 19:10 BST (UK)  »
hi,sorry i didnt reply earlier,no i wasnt a teacher, (in those days they were known as houseparents), i lived there, i too was surprised theres not much mention of it, on the web, sad really, all ive got is a google streets picture of it before it was pulled down, ill be happy to help any questions you have,...karen

Oxfordshire / Re: Children's Homes in Oxford in 1950s
« on: Sunday 14 July 13 20:41 BST (UK)  »
hi, i was in hernes house in the 70s

Oxfordshire / Re: Children's Homes in Oxford in 1950s
« on: Sunday 14 July 13 20:40 BST (UK)  »
Hi everyone,

I am new to this and really would like some help please.  I am currently studying for a degree in Early Childhood Studies and one of my modules requires me to interview somebody who had a totally different childhood from myself.

To cut a long story short, I interviewed my dad about his childhood.  I always knew that he had a tough childhood as he was brought up in the 1950s and spent most of his childhood in children's homes, in particular Cotuit House in Headington, Oxford and Hernes House in Summertown Oxford.

Now the odd thing is that I can find nothing at all about Hernes House as a children's home.  I have spent most of this weekend googling different combinations and going through various archives.  Yesterday, I spent a few hours at the Oxfordshire Local History Department at St Lukes Church, Cowley and was still unable to find anything, neither was the very kind lady who helped me.  Initially, I only wanted general information like when did it open and close as a children's home, how many children etc etc, but this has really intrigued me now especially as there seems to be absolutely no information out there.

Also, I was trying to find information about Donnington Baths as my dad recalls Social Services taking him there twice a year to give him a good scrub, but I can't find any information for this either??

How do you think the best way for me to proceed would be now?

Many thanks in advance if anybody can help me.

Best wishes xx
hi i was in hernes house in the 70s

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