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Messages - Allybee1062

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Kilkenny / Re: RYAN from Dunmore, Kilkenny
« on: Monday 03 June 13 00:12 BST (UK)  »
Mac Cormaic. It might be best to contact 'Hirdy' directly via PM for your question about the McCormicks. I don't have any in my family and I am still trying to establish if this family is in fact even connected with mine.

Kilkenny / Re: RYAN from Dunmore, Kilkenny
« on: Wednesday 25 April 12 10:17 BST (UK)  »
Thank you for the census link. As I haven't been able to trace Margaret Ryan back to Ireland, and know she was in Australia in the 1850's, I haven't been able to trace any family forwards in time so have no idea if this family is related to mine.

Armed Forces / Re: waterloo vs peninsular war
« on: Monday 23 April 12 11:01 BST (UK)  »
I have replied to you via personal message.

Roxburghshire / Re: Hawick -Richardson/Waldie -Cert.Question
« on: Thursday 19 May 11 09:26 BST (UK)  »
Hi Maggie and everyone,

It's been a long while since you last posted and I'm hoping you're still on this forum. I've had to put the family history on hold for a while and I'm only just picking up the reins again. I haven't yet sorted out all the James', John's and Isobel's yet and just wanted to touch base to see if anyone has found anything else out. I'm still not sure whether I can actually claim my James RICHARDSON and Jean/Jane SCOTT is in fact the James and Isobel SCOTT you all are talking about. I'm happy to pass on my personal email if anyone would like to correspond further. Please message me.

Ireland / Re: Looking for origin of O'LEARY family
« on: Monday 16 May 11 10:44 BST (UK)  »
Thank you so much for this info! You have managed to stumble upon an answer to one of my long sought after questions. These are all the right family. My ancestor James emigrated to Australia in 1840 with his father Andrew, step-mother Catherine Burke and 3 siblings. The South Australian Biological Index and Shipping Records have only ever mentioned James, Honora, Mary and an unknown male. I had worked out that it must have been an older brother but have never been able to put a name to him. I'm fairly certain it must be the John you have mentioned. I'll possibly be able to chase him down in South Australia too. I have been to this website before and been able to find the marriage of James' father Andrew O'Leary and his first wife Ann O'Connel in 1828 in Charleville, Co Cork but as the exchange rate means that 5 euro is about 15 dollars, it has been too expensive for me to search any further. I'm so excited about this though, I may have to treat myself to a few searches to find out more!

Thanks again for this and for your trouble.

Kilkenny / Re: RYAN from Dunmore, Kilkenny
« on: Monday 28 March 11 07:48 BST (UK)  »

Sorry for the late reply. I don't check this site as often as I used to.  Yes it is the same family. William Augustus Cadwallader was my Great Grandfather. Frederick George Cadwallader was my Grandfather. Are you descended from this family too? My email address is * if you would like to get in touch. At least I check my emails daily!


Kilkenny / Re: RYAN from Dunmore, Kilkenny
« on: Monday 04 October 10 23:01 BST (UK)  »

Sorry for the late reply. I've been away on holidays.

I don't know very much about my RYAN family other than the snippets of information found from certificates. My ancestor Margaret RYAN married Thomas BROWN in Keilor in 1858 and died in Fitzroy in 1909. They had 7 children. Some born in Gisborne, others in Echuca and the youngest in Essendon. Their names were Catherine, John, Anastasia, Jane, William x 2 and Elizabeth. From the marriage certificate it states that Margaret's parents are Edmond RYAN and Anastasia and her birthplace is Dunmore, Kilkenny. That is all I know. I have Margaret's birth year at around 1838 but this is calculated from her stated age on certificates. Please let me know if you find any connection. I wouldn't have thought a name like Anastasia would be too common in Ireland at that time and the fact that our RYAN's ended up in Melbourne at around the same time. It would seem like there may be a  connection.


Gloucestershire Completed Lookup Requests / Re: WITHERS - where to go from here?
« on: Wednesday 19 May 10 12:49 BST (UK)  »

I have a George Withers with a father named Henry but this George was born in 1861 near London. My last connection with Bristol is the Charles Withers I mentioned in my first post who was born around 1800. All the Withers from then on were born around London.  Maybe one of the children moved back to Somerset at some stage so the link could still be there.  Seems a coincidence with the names though doesn't it. Although I guess Henry and George aren't exactly unusual names!


Sussex / Re: My Sussex Surname Interests
« on: Monday 30 November 09 11:03 GMT (UK)  »
Hi kgb301,

I am distantly related to Colin Lelliott, (very distantly), and I have a file on the Lelliott family that was sent to me by another family member and researcher.  Colin and his sister Cynthia are in that file but unfortunately it doesn't have any marriage information for either of them, therefore no child info either.  I can supply you with Colin's ancestry back to 1635 and certainly his aunts and uncles have descendents that are listed in the file.   I am happy to forward this document to you if you wish.  It is a 294 page word document   I cannot vouch for it's accuracy as it was not compiled by me.  I have checked those parts relevent to me and it seems to be fairly accurate.  Please let me know if you would like me to email the document to you privately.  If you click on my name you should be able to send me a private message to let me know your email address.


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