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Messages - amandria

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The Common Room / My Irish 3rd Grandfather
« on: Thursday 16 May 24 19:14 BST (UK)  »
Hi everyone, its been a very long time since last posting on here...

I would love to go further with my Irish family history regards my Lahaney family... it stops with my 3rd grandfather, Thomas Lahaney who was born 1839 

One of My Lahaney family married a Bridget McCoy of Rosscommen and her father was Patrick McCoy

I will be so grateful if anyone can help me with this

Down / Re: McCoy family
« on: Monday 25 October 21 13:09 BST (UK)  »

Down / Re: McCoy family
« on: Monday 25 October 21 12:18 BST (UK)  »
Hello, I have only just seen this...
I am not sure if we are connected, bit I come from a family of Mcoys.. Patrick Bridget and their daughter Bridget
Bridgets sister is Ellen Mcoy.. Ellan Married a Morgan Lewis... in which I was told

Thank you so much, everyone... I will do my best to speak with you all individually cuz I loved reading all your feedback on this.. and I  appreciate your help... I think I am ADHD because I rush through everything and find to so hard to focus on just one thing at a time.. Something I battle with each day.. I absolutely love researching Fam history... I just get annoyed cuz I want it all done NOW hahahaha and that is impossible as all things take time.. I have brought up all of my 9 kids and now I have so much time on my hands and I find it hard to sit still and  really focus hahah but I am working on it. 

Hi everyone.. I feel so overwhelmed because I have got loads of names and dates And I am trying to get everything in order on my family tree.. And it seems never-ending.. suppose with everything we start at the beginning our parents and grandparents... And so on, but I think I am getting out of my depth with things.. I love doing family history research but it makes me feel so anxious, does anyone else feel this way? How many hours a day of the week do you set aside..? Maybe I should start by setting just a bit of time aside in order to really focus... I've done very well up to now... I have gone back to the 16th century with a  few sides of my family's genealogy...

Roscommon / Hiiii there.. Do we have anyone from Roscommon ?
« on: Wednesday 15 April 20 11:26 BST (UK)  »
Some of my ancestors are from Roscommon and of irish blood.. the Mcoys. would love to hear of  anyone from that area and who would like to share the history and experiences, stories of old  of the place which my ancestors also  lived.

The Lighter Side / Has anyone met distant relatives on here ?
« on: Sunday 12 April 20 18:07 BST (UK)  »
I just love doing family history research.. I am still learning about how its done, its exciting and a slow process.. I traced my granddads family back to the 1400s  and discovered many 4th and 5th cousins who are all on facebook.. if we have any Budds on here, I am sure we might be related haha  I also have Macoys from Roscommon  I have Oldfields.. and Bunneys .. Elliotts..  Lahneys.. wilsons.. copemans and the list will go on and on.  I think it would be fun in sharing our family names and lets see if we can find any family connections.. ya never know, we might find some new cousins and find out more information about our families... so exciting

The Stay Safe Board / All in this together, some are coping, some are not..
« on: Saturday 11 April 20 12:07 BST (UK)  »
Each day I have two melt downs.. after a good cry I always feel much better.. I worry so much about my older kids and grand kids.. Are they taking this seriously ? are they social distancing themselves... My oldest daughter was working at James Cook hospital a few weeks ago.. And my heart was in my mouth.. as she has two small toddlers. My youngest son is still with me and is 16 and autistic.. This is effecting him so bad, so when I have my mini breakdowns/ melt downs or what ever you call it .. I cry in private, I know he will be devastated to see me cry and get upset.. so I need to be strong. I have a journal in which I write down all my thoughts every odd day or so.. I am trying to teach my self how to knit and I love music.. Music gets me through this more than anything... And I am lucky to have a garden.. I am so sorry for those who do not have a garden And I am so sorry to those who are really really struggling with this... it is heartbreaking for all. but we have to find things which we love doing and also to find new things to learn and to distract our minds... I am going to get back on track with my family history.  And I think its so good to be able to come on here and express ourselves and get things off our minds.. right now my heart is pounding out of my chest.. My hubby has just came back from doing our shopping and bought crisps and chocolate for this Easter weekend and my eyes lit up hahaha ohhh I cant wait to get stuck into that lot.. I am also worried about putting on loads of weight and getting unhealthy... its said that we really need to take care of our bodies and eat healthy because if any of us get this dreaded corona.. we need to be strong to fight it off.... The nasty evil bleeding THING... I really hope that it dies out soon....LETS JUST KICK ITS ARSE! some one please tell me it will die soon.. ?flaming heck what a mess the world is in right now... but I send all my love to each and every one of you, and your families... stay as safe as you can and dont be worried about coming on here and poring your heart out... we are all allowed to share how we feel at this time... I am so grateful for this lovely group,   its something else to keep us all going isn't it.  I am going now cuz I have lots of bags of crisps and chocolate bars to wipe clean with antibacterial wipes. 

Thank you so much for that, I do know that she had a relative who was an headmaster of a school called Peter Copeman but do not know yet how they are connected.. Ive just got on to ancestry, so will try and find out what I can and then Ile share my findings..  Thank you Heywood

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