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Messages - RosieG88

Pages: [1]
Warwickshire / Re: Hampton Warwickshire
« on: Tuesday 23 April 24 20:45 BST (UK)  »
Thank you for your suggestions BushInn1746, and yes I am sure the workhouse admissions are my Caroline Smythe.

Warwickshire / Re: Hampton Warwickshire
« on: Sunday 24 March 24 17:10 GMT (UK)  »
Thank you again, you have identified the correct family but unfortunately James Smythe's origins remain obscure.  I will follow up the various 'Hampton' locations as suggested.  It seems likely that James Smythe and Caroline Woollaston were not married.  Since James was significantly older than Caroline perhaps he left behind another family in Warwickshire.
The connection with the Noyce family is that James Smythe and Caroline Woollaston's daughter Sarah Ann Smythe married James Jorey and their daughter Grace Jorey married my grandfather Ernest Noyce. 
Incidentally the first name Seevall or Seivall was handed down and given to more recent ancestors as Seval.  I have no idea of the origins of this unusual name.

Warwickshire / Re: Hampton Warwickshire
« on: Wednesday 13 March 24 13:09 GMT (UK)  »
Thank you all for your help.  He is James Smythe, born about 1813.  I cannot find him on the 1841 census and have no information about siblings unfortunately.

Warwickshire / Hampton Warwickshire
« on: Thursday 15 February 24 12:27 GMT (UK)  »
An ancestor of mine gave his birthplace on censuses from 1851 onwards as Hampton, Warwickshire.  Does anyone know if this is likely to be Hampton in Arden or Hampton on the Hill?  He moved to London and I have not been able to trace his birth around 1813.

Essex / Re: Missing death Jemima Johnson
« on: Friday 11 February 22 13:54 GMT (UK)  »
Thank you Rosie99 and BumbleB.  Looking again, and apologies, I think I was wrong in assuming that Jeremiah Johnson 1881 census is a misrecording of Jemima.  The reference to transfer to Alphamstone may be because part of Lamarsh was moved to Alphamstone in 1884, including the area of the Rectory where Jemima Johnson lived.

I have searched the GRO indexes from 1871 onwards and variant spellings without success.

Essex / Missing death Jemima Johnson
« on: Sunday 06 February 22 13:32 GMT (UK)  »
I have been unable to find either civil or parish registration of the death of Jemima Johnson born 1799 at Bures Hamlet.  She lived most of her life in Alphamstone and Lamarsh, a pauper in her old age.  Found in Alphamstone on the 1871 census and probably found there on the 1881 census mis-recorded as 'Jeremiah'.  A search from 1871 onwards in Essex and Suffolk (in case she went to the workhouse at Sudbury) have failed to find her death.  Parish registers at Alphamstone and Lamarsh searched without success.
Does anyone have any idea why I can't find her?  Is it possible for an elderly pauper in a rural village to go unrecorded either by the church or in civil registration?

London and Middlesex / Re: Hornsey Workhouse
« on: Saturday 06 February 21 17:12 GMT (UK)  »
Thank you very much Tony, I will try to find out more about the two workhouses and how/if they related.

London and Middlesex / Hornsey Workhouse
« on: Tuesday 02 February 21 13:03 GMT (UK)  »
Does anyone have an idea why two young children, whose family lived in Clerkenwell, would have died in Hornsey Workhouse in August 1830?  They died on consecutive days so I assume they had some kind of infectious disease, but wonder why they were admitted miles from home when there was a workhouse at Clerkenwell.  Thank you.

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