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Messages - Nettle62

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Channel Islands Lookup Requests / Re: Le Bideau
« on: Saturday 14 May 22 01:11 BST (UK)  »
Thank you Stewart, yes I have searched with just Bideau and I saw that record.  It is not my grandmother though.  :(

There are so few Bideau's on the census I feel there must be miss-transcriptions because I know there were several Bideau's in Guernsey, and elsewhere.

Channel Islands Lookup Requests / Re: Le Bideau - update
« on: Friday 13 May 22 15:08 BST (UK)  »
I finally found the death record of Anthony George Bideau.

Jersey Archives found a death notice in the local newspaper.  He died in Glasgow, of TB. He was in Ruchill Fever Hospital, Glasgow.  I would never have guessed he was up there!!  I'm assuming he was there because a relative lived in the area, and was the one who registered his death. 

Since the 1921 census came out, I was hoping to see where his mother Eugenie Marie Le Bideau was living at that time, but alas, I can't find her.  I was able to look up the address on Anthony Georges birth certificate, thinking it was going to be a clue, I thought she was working in service at the time.  But the address turned out to be a YWCA mother and baby home. 

Australia / missing aunt D J P
« on: Friday 11 January 19 04:11 GMT (UK)  »
Thank you, yes it is entirely possible she is still alive.  It is frustrating that I lose contact with her after only just finding her. 

I appreciate all the suggestions I've had here, I will try to make contact with my aunt and cousin again.

Australia / missing aunt D J P
« on: Friday 11 January 19 02:38 GMT (UK)  »
She was born in Jersey, Channel Islands in 1920's. She moved to England around the mid 1950s.

She emigrated to Australia in the late 1980s, and moved to New Zealand "later" with her daughter Christine, who died in 1999.

In 2016 I was contacted by my cousin, who said that his mother was still alive and living in Rangiora North Canterbury, I wrote to her and I got a reply.  I wrote to her again and never got a reply, but she had had a fall and was in hospital (her son told me).

I have not heard from her or her son since.  I have searched for a death notice, but it is possible she is in an old peoples home. 

Australia / missing aunt D J P
« on: Wednesday 09 January 19 14:12 GMT (UK)  »
I last heard from her in 2016.  She was in Rangiora North Canterbury, New Zealand. 

She was in England originally, emigrated to Australia around 1988, and later moved to New Zealand, I don't know what year. 

I was contacted by her son, who lives in Cornwall, England, through Ancestry, and I have messaged him asking if everything is ok but have not had a reply, and he has not logged into Ancestry in over a year.

It is such a shame that when I finally got contact with her, it stopped after only one letter from her. :( 

Thank you for the link to NZ death records.

Australia / Re: missing aunt
« on: Wednesday 09 January 19 06:05 GMT (UK)  »
Just a little update on this person.... she actually moved to New Zealand, and I did correspond with her for a very short period of time, but I haven't had any reply for some time, so I don't know what happened.

Does anyone know where I can search death records in New Zealand, she lived in Rangiora North Canterbury.

Channel Islands Lookup Requests / Re: Le Bideau
« on: Thursday 11 February 16 00:50 GMT (UK)  »
Thank you very much Stewart, Harold died in Guernsey only a couple of years ago.

My main mystery is my mums older brother (illegitimate) born in London 1921 (I have his birth certificate) while his mother worked as a cook, she later (1925) had Freda who was given up for adoption at the age of 2, to an Alderney couple.  Eugenie kept George, he was in the Jersey Militia (I have his papers) they were evacuated from Jersey just before the occupation, they spent the war on the Isle of Wight, with the Hampshire regiment.  I know he died of TB just after the war, but I have not found a record of his death in any searches on Ancestry, so I am assuming he went home after the war.

Thank you for the information on Eugenie.

Channel Islands Lookup Requests / Re: Le Bideau
« on: Sunday 07 February 16 15:25 GMT (UK)  »
That would be very kind, thank you.

In order of most interest to me :)

Death of Anthony George Bideau - all I know is he died at the end of the WWII of TB

Birth of Freda Maud Bideau 28th August 1924 not sure if born in Guernsey or Alderney, she may have been registered as Eugenie Maud le Biedeau.  She was adopted at the age of 2 by Freda and Amelia Whitehead - are there adoption records?

Marriage of Harold de Bertrand and Freda - that would be in Guernsey, so I don't know if that would be in Jersey archives?

Thanks again

Channel Islands Lookup Requests / Re: Le Bideau
« on: Saturday 06 February 16 17:31 GMT (UK)  »
Thank you for your reply, my main inquiry was about my mums brother, Anthony George Bideau.  I joined Jersey Heritage Archives and have seen the Registration cards.  Eugenie is my grandmother, Marion is my mother :)  Marie is my aunt.  I also found the attestation papers for Anthony George, which gave me a date and place for his birth and from that I was able to get a copy of his birth certificate.

I was trying to find out if a father was listed, he and his sister Freda were born before their mother married, and their father(s) remain a mystery. 

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