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Messages - martinW88

Pages: [1]
Occupation Interests / Re: Stage actors Edwin Beverley and Agnes Gagan
« on: Sunday 12 July 15 23:36 BST (UK)  »
I'm pleased you enjoyed the autographs.  My Grandmother was a very lovely lady, and I have some photo's of her when she was younger, but she doesn't bear much semblance to the 'beauty' in the sketch. 

Occupation Interests / Re: Stage actors Edwin Beverley and Agnes Gagan
« on: Sunday 12 July 15 22:38 BST (UK)  »
Hi.  I was just doing some background research on the Alexander Marsh repertory company, with respect to my Grandmother's autograph album, when I came across your enquiry about Edwin and Agnes.  In her album, there are a number of autographs from members of the Alexander Marsh Co.  You may be interested to see the attachment (page 5) that actually shows the autographs of 'your' Edwin and Agnes.  I've also attached another entry (page 6) showing an attractive drawing and reference to Alexander Marsh Co. and, importantly, the year 1913.  I have yet to find out if my Grandmother had a role with the company or whether she was just a keen theatre goer?

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