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Messages - lyleswart

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Hello Dave,

Very helpful and much appreciated once again.  I do have another question, please.  I also have what appears to be a 6-page 1902 handwritten deposition of Anton's ex-wife from the archives in Chur that I'm struggling with.  I think, based upon my rudimentary translation attempt, it might have insightful details about Anton's life in Switzerland - of which I know nothing.  (Example below).  I'm reluctant to post a 6-page handwritten document as I don't want to take advantage of the board's goodwill.  I am, of course, happy to pay a reasonable fee.  Any suggestions?


This is amazing Dave - thank you so very much!  I especially appreciate how you transcribed the German and then translated to English.  I'm getting better at transcribing printed German documents, but handwriting is still throwing me!  It's useful to learn from the transcription - I never would've gotten 'Scheidung' or 'Herrn' from what was written on the document!  Thanks again!


Hello All.  I was recently very fortunate to come into possession of divorce papers for my great-grandfather from Chur Switzerland in 1902.  I had no idea he was married before emigrating to the US!  Apparently he had abandoned his wife and daughter.  I'm having trouble reading the handwritten "complaint" section (after betreffend Klage) of the divorce lawsuit.  Seems as though there were 5 points outlined against him. 

I've included the entire document for context but am happy to electronically post just the section in question if that is better. 

Thanks in advance for any help!


Europe / Re: Advice Researching Swiss Great Grandfather!
« on: Sunday 04 July 21 20:04 BST (UK)  »

Many thanks to everyone for your helpful posts; much appreciated!

Paul, your recommendation for General Forum was prescient.  I had posted there simultaneously and hit the proverbial jackpot a few hours ago.  Another General Forum member was generous enough to post a transcript of Chur's Familienregister for Anton!  I'm very grateful.  His parents apparently were Peter Franz Gottlieb Gsell (1842-1879) and Magdalena Zust (1842-).  I am following up with the City Archives at Chur to request/purchase copies of the actual documents. 

Here is a link to the General Forum thread (Graubünden subdirectory, Gsell von Chur GR subject) should anyone want to check it out.

Many thanks again,

Europe / Advice Researching Swiss Great Grandfather!
« on: Friday 02 July 21 20:00 BST (UK)  »
Hello Everyone,

I'm hoping to get some practical advice from those more experienced in researching Swiss relatives from outside Switzerland.  I understand some of the challenges with Swiss privacy laws and - unfortunately! - a trip to Switzerland isn't in the cards now.  Here's what I know.  My great-grandfather, Anton Gottlieb Gsell, was born in Chur, Graubünden 25 January 1872.  (He died 9 March 1932 in South San Francisco, CA.). Anton's parents were listed as Frank Gsell and McLeni Roffel on his 1900 Illinois marriage license to my great grandmother, Theresa Panek.  Conversely, a Mary Gustman of Schiers, Graubünden is listed as Anton's next-of-kin (parent/guardian) in an 1898 Spanish-American War document.  Anton had two brothers who immigrated to the USA, Peter Johan Benedickt Gsell (born 1876, Chur) and Hermann Victor Gsell (1873).  I have not found any parental info for either brother. 

On the Register of Swiss Surnames, only two entries are listed for Gsell in Graubünden: 1853 in Chur and 1851 in nearby Castiel.  Both are originally from Germany.  I'm assuming I'd find Anton and brothers (plus parents) listed in a "Family Record Document" as one of these should be their town of origin.  Right?

So, being in the USA, how do I go about getting their Family Record Document?  Can I email the local civil registration office in Chur (below) to explain the situation and request the Family Record Document for Anton?  Or should I ask for something else?  Will they require proof of kinship?  What kind?

Any advice from someone who has navigated these Swiss waters from afar is appreciated!


Civil Registry Office Plessur
Klostergasse 11, PO Box 850
7001 Chur

Handwriting Deciphering & Recognition / Re: Cause of Death
« on: Monday 19 April 21 01:18 BST (UK)  »
Yes, I agree.  Not crossing the letter "t" was throwing me.  Thanks to you both!

Handwriting Deciphering & Recognition / Re: Cause of Death
« on: Sunday 18 April 21 23:51 BST (UK)  »
Sure ... here's the last line only. 

Handwriting Deciphering & Recognition / Cause of Death
« on: Sunday 18 April 21 23:38 BST (UK)  »
Hi All,

We're stumped by the cause of death on the records of an inmate of a psychiatric hospital in California in 1898.  Most of it is legible; the cause of death (the final two words of the very last sentence) is hard to make out.  Here's what we have: "Died March 7, 1898 of ______ ______".   

All help is appreciated!

Handwriting Deciphering & Recognition / Re: Deciphering Names of Marriage Witnesses
« on: Tuesday 11 February 20 17:34 GMT (UK)  »
Wow!  Thanks to everyone for spending time with this record as well as the very helpful thoughts.  Keen eye, Josie.  Yes, it is an entry for the marriage of Thomas Hyslop Miller (1844-1924) and Helen/Ellen Jane Murphy (1848-1907) in Middle Musquodoboit Nova Scotia Oct 18, 1869.  Helen/Ellen is likely my 2nd Great Aunt (the parents listed, James & Agnes Murphy likely my 3rd great grandparents).  I did some digging.  Reverend Robert Sedgewick was the minister at Methodist church at that time in Middle Musquodoboit; so that checks out.  (Yes, Karen - the author's penmanship distinguishing between S and L is challenging).  I agree that JA Archibald seems likely; I'm looking through census info for candidates in Middle Musquodoboit.  Finally, I think I solved the first witness based on everyone's help.  I looked through Jennie Reid's "Musquodoboit Pioneers" and it seems there was a William Henry Cumminger - grandson of an original Middle Musquodoboit settler who married a Ellen Jane Archibald - who was alive at the time of the wedding.  Hence, WH Cumminger - seems to fit and I would never have guessed that surname.  Many thx, Lyle.

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