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Messages - alphaomega

Pages: [1]
Travelling People / Re: Cooper - Yorkshire Are they a travelling family
« on: Friday 09 September 16 11:49 BST (UK)  »
Yes, darling, its Andrew, my Dad, younger brother to Marjie. No, not overseas, that was trying to see where Auntie Vi and Uncle Ken, Julie, Tina and Mark might be. Lost touch with them back in the 1980s. Any help very welcome x

Travelling People / Re: Wilson / Skelton / Eldridge / Davies / Webb
« on: Wednesday 07 September 16 18:36 BST (UK)  »
I'm putting together as much of our family history as possible for the next generation. Any stories or pictures of the people, vans, vehicles or anything, gratefully received. The rate I'm going there could be a book in this!
Cheers, everybody.

Travelling People / Re: Wilson
« on: Wednesday 07 September 16 18:03 BST (UK)  »
,Hannah Burnside /Rafferty/ Wilson
Blimey, Can't believe it! I'm a grand-daughter of Andrew and Amy Skelton. Fanny was my great-grandma! If you've got any old pics or stories, I'd love to see them.

Travelling People / Re: Cooper - Yorkshire Are they a travelling family
« on: Wednesday 07 September 16 16:45 BST (UK)  »
Yes, it is all absolutely fascinating. Oh to have been a fly on the wall around Rawmarsh at the end of the 19th century. If you take a look at the censuses, not just at one family, but in my case, the whole of Green Lane, you will probably find extended family, also! Hannah Burnside was with Terrance Rafferty first, then when he died, moved on to Andrew Wilson. The younger Rafferty children took the Wilson name. Not sure if Hannah was already expecting Lavinia when Terrance died or if she was Andrew's. Terrance was a "bit of a lad" as was Robert Burnside - they were both up before the magistrates on 'drunk and disorderly' charges together.
How do I know? Research and listening to stories from older relatives who have long gone.
Fanny Wilson was my great-grandma.
As far as " were they all travellers?" is concerned, it depends on whether you mean romany gypsies or travellers. A bit of both, I think. Sometimes if the work was plenty, as in Yorkshire at that time, with the mining and rail, they stayed still for a bit. I do think that if we were able to see pictures of them, we'd know for sure. In my heart, and by looking back at old pics, I'd say they all were.

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