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Messages - Ruxton24

Pages: [1]
Perthshire / Re: MORE HELP PLEASE for George Campbell and family .
« on: Saturday 10 September 16 06:29 BST (UK)  »
This George Campbell (and there are lots of them) is a direct line for me.  They had a son George who married Isobel Watson and they immigrated to Australia in 1855.  They settled in a town called Mudgee about 3 hours north west of Sydney.  He worked as a blacksmith/engineer there and set up a business called the Vulcan Engineering Company.  If you want more information on him and his descendents here in Australia let me know.  I would like to link him into the Campbell clan as we have a family stories say that we descent from the Duke of Argyle but 'on the wrong side of the sheet'.  As George has no father on his death certificate it makes me wonder if he is the link but I am unable to move backwards to find out.  Can you help with that bit?

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