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Messages - bagnol

Pages: [1]
The Common Room / Re: Raleigh Hall, Stourbridge
« on: Wednesday 16 August 17 14:40 BST (UK)  »
Thanks again ShaunJ

The Common Room / Re: Raleigh Hall, Stourbridge
« on: Wednesday 16 August 17 14:16 BST (UK)  »
Thank you for the correction, these certificates are sometimes difficult to read.
I see there is a Raleigh Hall industrial estate on the map which may have inherited the name from a previous establtshment.

Thanks again

The Common Room / Re: Raleigh Hall, Stourbridge
« on: Wednesday 16 August 17 12:51 BST (UK)  »
Her occupation is " ammunition inspector"

The Common Room / Raleigh Hall, Stourbridge
« on: Wednesday 16 August 17 12:10 BST (UK)  »
My mother in-law came to England about 1941 from N Ireland to get married and live here.
She married in Sheffield in 1942 but the address given on the marriage certificate gives residence at time of marriage as; 2 Fir House, Raleigh Hall, Stourbridge.
Does anyone know of this place and if it was a holding centre for immigrants from N Ireland.

Armed Forces / 3rd Hussars, 1901-1908
« on: Wednesday 16 August 17 12:00 BST (UK)  »
I am trying to find information about activities of the 3rd Hussars for this period.
My grandfather was a groom in the regiment. I do not know any more, uniform, movement, etc.
He served in India at Sialkot and in S Africa 1901 & 1907.
Any info would be welcome.

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