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Stirlingshire / Re: Stirling marriage
« on: Wednesday 22 December 10 14:43 GMT (UK)  »
Thanks for the info, have taken your advice re the contacts. Await replies.

Kent Lookup Requests / Re: John Lott, Guston
« on: Sunday 19 December 10 14:05 GMT (UK)  »
Thanks for that Rog. I think you're probably right on this one. All the best,

Stirlingshire / Re: Stirling marriage
« on: Saturday 18 December 10 20:45 GMT (UK)  »
Thanks for that WE. I should have gone down that route. Now I need to find out about Jane and her family. Do you know how I would find out what regiments were based at Stirling Castle at that time?

Kent Lookup Requests / John Lott, Guston
« on: Saturday 18 December 10 10:19 GMT (UK)  »
Trying to track down the birthplace of John Lott who was born in 1801 in Kent. He married Sarah Spearpoint of Ringwould and was a shepherd living in Guston. He died in 1850.  Did he originate from Guston? Would like to find the names of his parents and siblings. Appreciate any help, thanks.   

Stirlingshire / Stirling marriage
« on: Friday 17 December 10 21:31 GMT (UK)  »
I would like to know more on a 1858 marriage in Stirling between William
Winwright and Jane McGribbon. William was a gt. grandfather of mine and was in the army at the time. Could anyone give any more information on the details and any background on Jane. Many thanks.


Kincardineshire / Re: William Knowles of Stonehaven
« on: Wednesday 25 March 09 19:52 GMT (UK)  »
Thanks for that Isles. I know from his army discharge notes that he was born in the parish of Stonehaven so I suppose I'll have to be content with that and call it a day on William Knowles and my Scottish ancestry.

Kincardineshire / William Knowles of Stonehaven
« on: Monday 23 March 09 13:36 GMT (UK)  »
Trying to trace the parents or siblings of William Knowles who was born in the Stonehaven area in 1776. He would have been born on 21 June 1776 as when he joined the Royal Horse Artillery in 1794 he proved his age by showing his baptismal certificate. Upon discharge lived in Lewes, Sussex. He married Jane Harman of Lewes and died there in 1852.  Any details as to his birth would be much appreciated.
Many thanks.

London and Middlesex / Re: Annie Barber, St Georges
« on: Wednesday 29 August 07 15:46 BST (UK)  »
Thanks for repyling. This gives me another lead to work on. Tried marriage witnesses and place of wedding to no avail. Best regards, Dave

London and Middlesex / Re: Annie Barber, St Georges
« on: Wednesday 29 August 07 14:59 BST (UK)  »
Hi Tati, thanks for the reply. It states on the marriage certificate of 1871 that Richard is a mariner. Suppose a career change could have happened. I'd be grateful for any information at this time. It is giving me problems as I have no details for her birth or her first marriage. Worked out her birth year from the death certficate.
Need all the help I can get.  regards Dave

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