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Messages - 52%Celtic John

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Ancestral Family Tree DNA Testing / Re: Hoping.
« on: Tuesday 29 May 18 20:40 BST (UK)  »
Hi Carmella,

Yes I think the Haplogroup route is the best way forward,

It will soon betime to check out the sales. ;)

TY hurworth
2% should be a relatively close relative.  They may be a relative from your mother's side.
it's the paternal side i'm hunting

Ancestral Family Tree DNA Testing / Re: Hoping.
« on: Thursday 24 May 18 20:50 BST (UK)  »
Thank you Rena and all :)

I really do not have a shred more info. At all.

And my childhood......chaotic...

Ancestral Family Tree DNA Testing / Re: Hoping.
« on: Thursday 24 May 18 15:11 BST (UK)  »
My mother never socialised or had a close friend untill my step-father died. Her friend was older and went before her, I doubt she ever told her or any other person. I know she was guilt ridden.

Regarding letters. I spoke to her sister at the wake about my search and in a letter next day she said that she thought my real father was in the RAF as well.They would not have revealed his id at the time. She also said it was a brief affair.

That is all I know i'm affraid.

Ancestral Family Tree DNA Testing / Re: Hoping.
« on: Thursday 24 May 18 08:58 BST (UK)  »
'blue eyed irishmen'   sounds romantic.   

Did your Mother tell you where she worked as this Nurse,
What about her friends of the day?

where did she live

where did she give birth

etc etc.. ASK and think.. think hard and search ... all her memories..  She surely has left some memories, or mentioned something besides his 'Blue eyes'

My relationship has allways been difficult with my mother. She never spoke about her time in London. She died of vascular dementia in 2015.

She had a convent education which must have traumatised her, she was left-handed, and this was tied behind her back and made to use her right. >:( I am also left handed.

My guess is she was in a nurses hostel in 58/59. I was born in 60 at Lambeth hospital. My birth was not registered until 63 when she met and married my fatherwho was in the RAF. She never went back home for several years, imagine her shame..she came from a small rural village and her mother disowned her for years.

My eyes are plain old hazel ;)

My eyes are hazel like hers 

Ancestral Family Tree DNA Testing / Re: Hoping.
« on: Wednesday 23 May 18 22:40 BST (UK)  »
Thank you.

I came here with high expectations. It was allways a long shot at a shortcut.

There are three people I know who look like me,one very much, a generic type ?(like Steve McQueen)I. I will find out the locale his relatives.

Meanwhile, I will upload to gedmatch.  :)

Ancestral Family Tree DNA Testing / Re: Hoping.
« on: Saturday 19 May 18 14:43 BST (UK)  »
I'm more interested to find a physical place of origin than searching for him.

Actually, I am interested.

Ancestral Family Tree DNA Testing / Re: Hoping.
« on: Saturday 19 May 18 14:30 BST (UK)  »
The best matches I have so far are one at .2 %.  First cousin twice removed, 2nd cousin twice removed. The next 3 are 5th. Thats it so far after 6 weeks.

I downloaded my RAW DNA file this morning, then found Family Tree dna to upload it to , now I have to wait until tomorrow to do this (24 hrs between downloads)  because it can only be loaded through the site and not as a file. 

Ancestral Family Tree DNA Testing / Re: Hoping.
« on: Saturday 19 May 18 10:27 BST (UK)  »
So far, I have only had the test and the closest are 5th cousins. To progress, I have to buy 1 yr subscription.

The one I used was My Heritage

Ancestral Family Tree DNA Testing / Re: Hoping.
« on: Saturday 19 May 18 09:18 BST (UK)  »
There is not a chance of finding any info at all.
My mother was born and raised in Somerset,moved to London in 1955 to become a nurse. She was single and managed to get pregnant by a blue eyed Irishman in 59.That was the only time she saw him and if she ever knew his name, she never told me.

So my only hope is to find 1st cousin dna matches. I'm more interested to find a physical place of origin than searching for him.

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