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Messages - Dave Ruck

Pages: [1]
Herefordshire / Re: Ruck family of Orcop
« on: Tuesday 05 March 19 20:32 GMT (UK)  »
Hi Colin, I am related to Amos’s son Edward. Thanks to your post I have a little bit more info on Amos’s parents. Dave

Herefordshire / Re: Ruck family of Orcop
« on: Monday 04 March 19 22:06 GMT (UK)  »
Hi does anybody have information on Enoch Ruck 1841-1914 husband of Charlotte and father of Sydney Robert. I think that Enoch is of a different ‘strand’ of the family to me as I have a line through Amos, but I would still like more details about him and his family and how it all fits. I was in Monmouth yesterday and found his / charlottes grave which I tidied up a little.

Monmouthshire / Re: the Ruck family of Monmouth
« on: Tuesday 14 August 18 13:33 BST (UK)  »
I too am a Ruck and my family hail from the Hendre in Monmouth. I'm very new to all of this genealogy business but find it incredibly interesting and addictive. I have traced my roots (mainly thanks to all of those who have done the hard work previously)through to Amos Ruck and then back to William (1718). I am trying to work a little sideways and explore further branches of the family and a name that keeps cropping up is Enoch Ruck who seems to have been born at a similar tome to Amos and I was wondering what the link (if any) there is between them. I note that Enoch was the father of Sydney Robert who is on the Memorial in Monmouth, and sparked all of this new found interest. I wondered if anyone out there could help? Dave.

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