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Messages - Kelly Hughes

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Flintshire Lookup Requests / Re: Flintshire Robert Hughes 1786
« on: Monday 30 March 20 13:16 BST (UK)  »
Actually these people are all from the same family but different generations..yes I did inquire about the younger generation first whose father moved from Flintshire where he was born and raised his family in Yorkshire.  I have now reached further back to 1700’s with the same related family WHO STAYED IN FLINTSHIRE.
Would this be helpful, Pg. 7, Registration #HO107 Piece 1413/7 record type Household
Event Holywell, residence Counting House Male 1782-1786 District and Parish both Holywell Country Flintshire re ROBERT HUGHES

Flintshire Lookup Requests / Re: Flintshire Robert Hughes 1786
« on: Monday 30 March 20 12:06 BST (UK)  »
Family were born typically in earlier generations in Mold, and Holywell...but also noted as Flint, and Flint Mill all within a few miles ...Church of England every generation thereafter Robert.

Flintshire Lookup Requests / Re: Flintshire Robert Hughes 1786
« on: Monday 30 March 20 11:59 BST (UK)  »
Thanks...I wondered too re Jane.
1841 Counting House Holywell
Robert 55 Engineer...most family were engineers in mining
Ann 45
Daniel 20...coal miner
George 13. Lab
Mary 14

1851 Near Flint  Mill
Ann Hughes head 60
Daniel son coal miner......all three born in Hollywell
Mary 20
William grandson 3 Flint

I think Ann Jones was baptized March 22 1791 Hollywell
Perhaps Robert Hughes died 1850
Perhaps Marriage was September 22, 1823

In 1851 son George lived in New Flint Mill
Census George Hughes 22 born in Holywell
Mary 24
Children added too.......bricklayer would not likely be, family for generations were miners
I felt that there was a space between births and wondered about Jane and if I recall a brother a Thomas born a year after possibly five..each generation had large families

I do know another Robert Hughes Born same vicnity same year 1785/1786...belonging to Martha Read


Flintshire Lookup Requests / Flintshire Robert Hughes 1786
« on: Monday 30 March 20 04:08 BST (UK)  »
Robert Hughes 1786
1841 Census Holywell Spouse Ann Jones...(1791 possibly)
1851 Flint Mill...Head Ann ..Robert deceased possibly 1850
Trying to find more data on Robert Hughes, father to Daniel 1821, George 1827/28
And Mary 1830.  Lived in area of Gwernaffield/Mold/Flint Mills
Trying to find his parents
Thank you

Family History Beginners Board / Re: Frances May Hughes 1916
« on: Sunday 29 March 20 02:12 BST (UK)  »

Family History Beginners Board / Re: Frances May Hughes 1916
« on: Sunday 29 March 20 00:12 GMT (UK)  »
I thought I had to stay on beginner’s.. Robert Hughes is related, but lived in Flintshire.

Family History Beginners Board / Re: Frances May Hughes 1916
« on: Friday 27 March 20 18:34 GMT (UK)  »
Could you explain what is meant by the 1939 registrar?

Also, have you ever heard of New Flint Mill in Flintshire?  I believe it is a few miles from Mold Wales.

Family History Beginners Board / Re: Hilda Hughes 1922-1999 Barnsley Yorkshire
« on: Friday 27 March 20 01:42 GMT (UK)  »

Family History Beginners Board / Re: Age at Marriage Act
« on: Thursday 26 March 20 23:39 GMT (UK)  »
Interesting...I have a cousin by marriage who was considered a minor just prior to 16th birthday and needed parent a different country.  Thanks

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