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Messages - Silverhoop

Pages: [1] 2
Hi Garngad

Thanks for all of that.

I did contact Sharon and showed her a photo of the plaque that I want to place and she has confirmed that it will be ok for me to do. Also spoke to Ian in the memorial cabin and he too said it will be ok. I'm heading up later this month to place it.
From looking through other sites I have seen that all I need to do is dig a small hole, fill it with sand and place the plaque and let nature do the rest.

Lanarkshire / Re: Jane O'Donnell and her son John O'Donnell
« on: Sunday 05 May 24 19:19 BST (UK)  »
Just to close out the story if anyone is interested.

The lady on Ancestry never got back to me so I eventually bit the bullet and purchased a copy of the birth certificate on Scotlands people.

Got it through and we are indeed related, however, it was not my Grandfather that was the father but his brother.

Sadly, when I met up with my siblings recently and told them of the story they all seemed to know and also told me that the brother was shipped out to America when his parents heard he had became a father where he set up home, got married, had children, joined the navy all before drinking himself to death.

Still, at least the case is closed for me now :)

Lanarkshire / Re: Jane O'Donnell and her son John O'Donnell
« on: Thursday 21 March 24 14:35 GMT (UK)  »
Here's hoping.

I've mailed the person on Ancestry and so far no reply so I've taken the plunge and ordered the birth certificate of John O'Donnell.

Just waiting for it now and hopefully it has the fathers name on it.

Lanarkshire / Re: Jane O'Donnell and her son John O'Donnell
« on: Saturday 02 March 24 08:53 GMT (UK)  »
Hi Carole,

As soon as I posted this it dawned on me the 1931 census wouldn't be available for another 6 years - Eejit!!!

When looking for the birth certificates there is no image available so for each one I'd have to pay the £12.50 for a copy of the certificate and as you say the father might not even be listed.

Hopefully the owner of the tree will get back to me with something.

Lanarkshire / Re: Jane O'Donnell and her son John O'Donnell
« on: Saturday 02 March 24 08:50 GMT (UK)  »
Hi Neale,

I know. There is 1 candidate on ScotlandsPeople that meets the criteria but as there is no image available it means forking out £12.50 to check if it is the right one and then there is always the chance that the father isn't listed so deemed pointless.

I'll hopefully hear back from the person on Ancestry before I make the plunge and spend the £12.50

Lanarkshire / Jane O'Donnell and her son John O'Donnell
« on: Friday 01 March 24 12:19 GMT (UK)  »

Bit of a stab in the dark here but lets go:

Just had the DNA results from Ancestry and it has linked me to a tree of someone else that has a Jane O'Donnell (1905-1985) having a son John O'Donnell (1926-2000) with my Grandfather Joseph McNally (1903-1958)

I suppose it could have happened but I have never heard of this (Not that it would have been boasted about :) )

I had a look at birth certificates on ScotlandsPeople but there are numerous John O'Donnell's born in 1926 and I'm not paying for every single one (Got to love ScotlandsPeople for charging for everything)

Anyone know if I can find a census for 1931 or have any pointers how I can check this out. I have written to the person on Ancestry but haven't heard back from them

Thanks everyone


Graveyards and Gravestones / Re: Grave marker and fallen stone
« on: Wednesday 21 February 24 15:24 GMT (UK)  »
Thanks Rosie,

I was thinking of something similar to the photo attached. Just wasn't sure if it needed to be fixed to something or whether I just plonked it down on the grass. I want it to last for a while :)

Graveyards and Gravestones / Grave marker and fallen stone
« on: Wednesday 21 February 24 12:50 GMT (UK)  »
Hi All,

Looking for a wee bit of advice please.

I found my Great Grandfather and mothers grave but there is no stone or marker with it. I was told they possibly only had a cross at the time.

Do you have any recommendations on a marker I can use for the grave and if it is a granite type stone, how do I install it - Do I just sit it down or do I need to dig and attach it to something?

Secondly, after the recent storm I noticed my maternal grandparents stone has toppled slightly and is leaning on the stone behind it. I had a quick look and it has broken away from the concrete below - The stone itself is still intact.

Do you know how I fix this, do I need to get professional help or is this something the ground staff can help with>

Both graves are in St Peters Cemetery, Dalbeth, Glasgow

Thanks everyone


Handwriting Deciphering & Recognition / Re: Hard to read birth certificate
« on: Thursday 21 July 22 15:21 BST (UK)  »
You're a star Shaun - Thank You

I was just going through some of the Streets in Cavan and seen Tievenanass but wasn't sure - you've put my mind at rest that I'm now looking at the right one,

Again - You're a star, thank you :)

Also, just been looking at the 2 links you gave me and they are excellent. Thanks again, could not be happier right now

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