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Messages - Martin Guthrie

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Midlothian / Re: Stanley PHILLIPS, Artist & Lecturer (Edinburgh)
« on: Monday 10 April 23 15:07 BST (UK)  »
Thanks Alan - very interesting - that's almost certainly the same place.  I've found out a bit more and 1962 must have been just before it was effectively subsumed into what became Napier College in 1964.  Apparently, the Bristo staff became the nucleus of Napier when it started up and courses that were being taught at Bristo became courses at Napier, being taught by the same lecturers.

The space that the Bristo Technical School / Institute occupied is now The Bayes Centre at the University of Edinburgh.

Midlothian / Re: Stanley PHILLIPS, Artist & Lecturer (Edinburgh)
« on: Monday 10 April 23 11:51 BST (UK)  »
Thanks Carole - yes, that's the chap. I know his family tree - I am related to him - and there is (probably) one descendant that I'm currently trying to contact.

However, I'm really just trying to flesh out both his time as a lecturer and as an artist.  I've found very little information about Bristo Technical Institute - my assumption is that it was subsumed into Napier College sometime in the late 50s or early 60s?  He was one of the first few lecturers to start Bristo going I believe.  I don't know whether it was based near what is now Bristo Square or somewhere completely different.

And his time as an (amateur, I assume) artist is even harder to find out about.  I'm aware of about half a dozen paintings but I wonder whether he was selling them to augment his income or just doing it for the love of it...

Midlothian / Stanley PHILLIPS, Artist & Lecturer (Edinburgh)
« on: Monday 10 April 23 11:17 BST (UK)  »
I'm looking for any information that (or connection to) anyone may have on Stanley Phillips (1911-1994).  After WW2, he lectured in various mechanical engineering subjects at Bristo Technical Institute (which became Napier College I believe) and latterly Leith Nautical College before retiring.

However, he was also an artist.  I have one of his paintings.  I believe that Heriot-Watt University and Edinburgh City Art Centre both have one each as well.  I'd be interested in any information - or pointers - that anyone can offer about his time as an artist and/or lecturer.

Lanarkshire / Re: Carnwath
« on: Sunday 26 February 23 14:18 GMT (UK)  »
I'm related to Sir John Mann (1st cousin twice removed) and have some information about his ancestors.  Feel free to get in touch.

Clackmannanshire / Re: Help please: Newspaper lookup for 1861
« on: Tuesday 15 August 17 12:55 BST (UK)  »
Hello Fiona - we are clearly related!

It's been a while since I looked at Mary Harrower but I wrote the following notes in my tree at the time:

"Mary had a dreadful time of it.  Of her 9 offspring, 4 died as children.  And in her parents' family, she and her brother John were the only survivors from 9 siblings when she ultimately killed herself.  She must have felt cursed.  On her death certificate you can see that John Wright Paterson - her 8 year old son - died the same day as she did (after 2 months of chronic enteritis)."

I guess the death of her 8 year old the same day may have been what pushed her over the edge - very sad.

Aberdeenshire / Re: Historical family document discovered: Brechin
« on: Sunday 07 May 17 12:48 BST (UK)  »
Hi Elaine,

Glad you enjoyed it!   :)

I'm continuing to work on the paperback version (mostly formatting stuff) and will probably issue an update to the eBook around the same time (I think Amazon offers free updates to people that have already downloaded).

I'm also discussing with Aberdeen Archives about them holding the original journal there.  Would allow anyone that wants to view it for research purposes to do so.  Again, hope to have news on this in the next week or two.


Aberdeenshire / Re: Historical family document discovered: Brechin
« on: Tuesday 02 May 17 19:50 BST (UK)  »
Dear All,

After much time (almost 10 years!), I am please to be able to confirm that his journal is now live on Amazon.  Currently as a Kindle eBook only, I'm looking into getting a paperback version made available too - but that may take me a few more weeks...

Any questions; please shout.

Aberdeenshire / Re: Historical family document discovered: Brechin
« on: Wednesday 26 April 17 14:17 BST (UK)  »
Not yet.  Perhaps once it's published I will but until then I might need to refer to it.

Aberdeenshire / Re: Historical family document discovered: Brechin
« on: Wednesday 26 April 17 12:18 BST (UK)  »
I didn't as I couldn't justify the cost.  However, I'm now thinking of publishing an eBook version only and am actively looking into that.  Will update if this goes further.

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