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Messages - Fleda

Pages: [1]
Hi Thank you for answering my query. I thought a New Event would be the way to go but it doesn't go the same way as a census entry. The date and the address can be entered like a census but on the third line where the census states description the New event states confidential. You have only 2 choices either Yes or no and this answer cannot be deleted. I must add I am using PAF 5. I think  I shall have to use either Census or maybe some other item already on the list of new events.

Hi Fleda,

I use PAF 4 (!) and have recorded 1939 as a Census, but you could always make a new Event if that doesn't suit? Options > New Event > New and call it 1939 Register

Hi Rosie,
I would like to hear from others who still use a PAF file how they have been recording the 1939 register on it.  As the 1939 register is not a census I don't believe it should be noted as that on the file.  The problem is that makes it a little difficult to know where to add it.
Thankyou for your help.
Pat   :-\

Hi everyone,
How are those people still using a PAF genealogy file recording the details from the 1939 UK Register.
Any suggestion would be appreciated. Cheers.

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