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Messages - AncestryMich

Pages: [1]
Northamptonshire / Re: Where was Cleveland Road?
« on: Saturday 11 February 23 16:17 GMT (UK)  »
Hi Paul, apologies I'm very late to the party on this one, but I came across your post whilst searching Kettering myself and thought I would share with you (or everyone else) what I came across recently in relation to this subject.
Having searched my grandfather whose family were all based in Islington on the 1939 census, I was surprised to come across someone who seemed identical to him but was in Kettering, Beds. It just had him down as at school, and tbh I was starting to wonder if he'd been sent off to some kind of boarding school etc... that is, until I came across this informative story posted on the BBC site - at this point, I realised my Granddad must in fact have been an evacuee! He is listed in Cornwall Road, with a retired/elderly couple and an adult female lodger (of a different surname) I presume who was a solicitor's clerk.
From the BBC lady's story (link above) it seems most households were asked to take a child - or children - in.  My Granddad would've been 13yrs old & his brother who was 15 stayed in Islington with their father and had a job.

Anyway, hopefully someone will find that info on Kettering evacuees of use. I'd love to speak with the author Iris Roberts (Nuttgens) further about this, if anyone has any info on her please feel free to contact me. Sadly my Grandfather died when I was young, but if anyone's elderly relative that was evacuated to Kettering recalls a Vic/Victor Adams I'd love to hear from you.

Thanks in advance,

Hello everyone,

I just received a copy of the 1939 national register for one of my ancestors, he was recorded living at 40 Cleveland Road Northampton, in 1939.

Does anybody know where this Road was located to please? 

Northants FHS website has a picture of the street stating that it was demolished

in the photo there appears to a church with two towers at the end of the road, can anyone also tell me what church this was please?

My ancestor was evacuated to Northampton from London in 1939, Were very many children evacuated to Northampton during the war? And does anyone know which school would have been the closest to Cleveland Road that he may have attended upon arrival from London?

My fingers are crossed for some answers to these queries!
Many thanks,

Durham Completed Look up Requests / Re: Streets of Sunderland
« on: Saturday 11 February 23 15:50 GMT (UK)  »
Hi Julie, I appreciate this is a very old post, but I came across it whilst searching on 20 Cousin Street, Sunderland... I have a relative (surname Grieveson) residing there in 1878, as the address is on his marriage certificate (the bride was at 78 Moor St). Not sure what year your relative(s) were living there, but thought it worth an ask.... feel free to contact me - thanks, Michelle

Many of my ancestors came from Sunderland, I would love to know more about where they lived, I've tried looking for info on the following streets and schools, but seem to be coming to a dead end, photos would be fantastic but any info at all would be very much appreciated, no doubt many of these places no longer exist or the transcribers may have misspelt them when completing census returns, here goes

Hodgkin Street 
45 Barnes Lane
2 Oak Street,
Aubrey Terrace
4/5 Ettrick Place 
15 and 43 Spring Garden Lane
36 Baines lane
11 Robinson Lane
5 Mordey Street
8 tyne/lyme street
24 Stafford Street
20 Cousin Street Hendon
Carr's Yard, East End 
41 South Durham Street
St Patrick's RC school
St Mary's RC school
Chester oval
23 Chester Terrace


* Moderator comment: edited to remove personal email address in accordance with RootsChat general practice and guidance, to prevent others spamming or abusing it.  Please use personal message system to exchange email addresses.  Thanks

Occupation Interests / Re: Wardrobe Dealer
« on: Thursday 01 December 22 13:15 GMT (UK)  »
I just came across an ancestor with "Wardrobe Dealer" as occupation on the 1911 census, so found this post very informative, thanks  ;D

London & Middlesex Lookup Requests / Re: Charles Robert Watts
« on: Thursday 17 February 22 07:04 GMT (UK)  »
I know this is an old post, but on the off-chance the user is still receiving reply notifications, I am also a cousin of Charlie Watts (recently deceased) via Eaves, feel free to get in touch if you want to compare notes. I have done Ancestry DNA also fyi, although so far have come across very few others who have done the same on that line.

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