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Messages - llynhelyg

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Kent Lookup Requests / Re: Catt/Cate Look up
« on: Monday 03 September 07 09:51 BST (UK)  »

I did send off request but have had nor replies. havn't been doing much of late as havn't been too well.  thanks for the reminder I will email them again and see if they can come up with anything.  I have also emailed about isaacs wedding record but had no answer to that either. I don't know whether there was much information in the marriage records in church then.  If it had details of father or any other relatives that might give a clue!  I feel that isaac is determined to remain a mystery!

I seem to have come up against brick walls in most of my ancestors now but am determined to keep trying!

Thanks again for the interest.

Regards diane :D

Kent / Re: Parish Records
« on: Wednesday 13 September 06 20:09 BST (UK)  »
Thanks Bill,

I will look into it. I am sure that they will prove useful as I have a lot of relatives from the area!


Kent / Parish Records
« on: Saturday 09 September 06 13:50 BST (UK)  »
Hello, I was wondering if anyone could tell me if copies of parish records are available for marriages  from St. Lawrence's Ramsgate and churches in Tenterden? I am trying to locate more details for Isaac Catt born in Tenterden (according to 1851 census) c 1788. He married Ann Goldsmith in Ramsgate in 1809. I was hoping that the marriage details in the parish record might show who his father was and maybe more evidence of where he came from. So far I have been unable to locate him prior to his marriage. Any suggestions would be appreciated.  many thanks.  regards Diane

Kent Lookup Requests / Re: Catt/Cate Look up
« on: Sunday 21 May 06 09:27 BST (UK)  »
Thank you. I have sent off request so will keep you posted.

Hampshire & IOW Completed Lookup Requests / Re: Baskett
« on: Saturday 20 May 06 22:44 BST (UK)  »
Thanks to both of you it has given me some food for thought.  I think I will need to order birth certificates to check which is the correct one. As I said Fareham listed on  census as birth place with father born Isle of wight. Just need to get the right father with proffesion 'gardner'.  Thank you both again for your help. Will keep you posted.
Regares Diane

Kent Lookup Requests / Re: Catt/Cate Look up
« on: Saturday 20 May 06 19:25 BST (UK)  »
Thank you it is worth bearing in mind. As you say could be a realtion. I love the photo!
Thanks again
Regards Diane

Hampshire & IOW Completed Lookup Requests / Re: Baskett
« on: Saturday 20 May 06 17:58 BST (UK)  »
Hello again Daisy,

Thank you for that. It could well be that is the cortect Emma  as the father David came from Isle of Wight so maybe they were visiting? I know that sometimes mistakes have been made on census forms and often people thought they were born in a certain place just because their siblings were. I'll send off for a couple of certificates and see.

Thanks again. Regards Diane :)

Orkney / Re: Sutherland (birth look-up needed)
« on: Saturday 20 May 06 17:54 BST (UK)  »
Hello again Linda,
Don't worry I'll have a nose about and see what I can find. I have looked on Scotlands People for a Margaret Lesie Sutherland and there are none listed for the dates you have given me. There are a lot of Margaret Sutherlands but without knowing which area she was born in it will be difficult to track her down.
Good luck, something will turnup I'm sure.

Orkney / Re: Sutherland (birth look-up needed)
« on: Saturday 20 May 06 17:40 BST (UK)  »
Hello Linda,
Does your mil have any idea where her parents married or roughly when? If you  could find that out you will get your mil's mother's father's name and occupation and then you might be able to trace whereabouts on the census. that would at least give you an area of Scotland to search. If you give me your mils married name I  can do a cross reference search on Scotlands people for you, (if you think they were married inScotland that is) as I have a few credits soon  to expire. Scottish marriage licences provide both the mother and father of the bride and grooms details.

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