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Messages - METaunt

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Worcestershire Lookup Requests / Re: worcestershire lookup MOBBERLEY
« on: Sunday 19 May 24 12:00 BST (UK)  »
Hi again,

I've just caught up on the last couple of messages. There has been some great research, the Mobberleys are definitely a difficult family to research.

Just based on the marriage certificate I have, I am still of the opinion that my Joseph Mobberley's, b1806-1816 (it varies), father was Joseph Mobberley b1790 to Edward and Elizabeth Holloway. Of course I have no way of actually verifying this until I find Josephs birth records, which I think sadly I'll never find, unless of course his name was different when baptised. But I can find no records of Joseph Mobberley b1790 either except his baptism.

I'd be so grateful if anyone could give me their opinion on this other conundrum;
Joseph Mobberley b1806-1816 had a daughter named Mary, who I am a direct descendant of. She was born 1857 +/- 3 years in Kidderminster (according to later census records). But I can find absolutely no birth records for her at all, I've searched through whole parish registers and Bishops Transcripts in all Worcestershire areas connected with the family. Similarly through whole census records of areas connected but nothing. 
Their first son Joseph was born in 1847 in Doldy, Worcester.
I have found a daughter Lucy Mawberley also born Doldy 1861 to Joseph and Mary. Joseph has the same occupation, which seems a likely match. But again absolutely nothing for a Lucy Mawberley (and all name variations) after this baptism record. No death or census records either.
Is it possible that Lucy is Mary? Could they have changed her name after baptism? D?o you think this is possible
5 years later they had another daughter called Lucy who died.

I can't find any census records for my Mobberley line pre 1871 except for the 1841, if that is my Joseph living with John and Elizabeth Mash/Marsh.
There are a few criminal records of Joseph being charged with vagrancy but somewhere in between 1841 and their first child Joseph born in Doldy, Worcester, Joseph met Mary Green.

Many thanks

Worcestershire Lookup Requests / Re: worcestershire lookup MOBBERLEY
« on: Monday 05 February 24 11:48 GMT (UK)  »
Thank you Ciderdrinker :-)

Yes I was considering Priscilla Wheatley but really didn't think he was the right Joseph. When I'm next in Worcester I'll take a trip to the Hive to see if I can find any information. I'll let you know if I find anything. Thanks for your help :-)

Worcestershire Lookup Requests / Re: worcestershire lookup MOBBERLEY
« on: Sunday 04 February 24 12:03 GMT (UK)  »
After reconsidering a marriage record I have for Joseph Mabley and Mary Green (m1864 Kidderminster) I can now say that Joseph's father is Joseph Mobberley, potentially Joseph (b1790) son of Edward Mobberley and Elizabeth Holloway.

However I can't find any records for Joseph (b1790) other than his birth record. I'd like to verify that he had a son Joseph at least!

I'd be so grateful if anyone has any information on Joseph Mobberley b1790? It's driving my crazy!! I've looked through so many parish registers in Worcestershire but have found nothing!  :-\

Worcestershire Lookup Requests / Re: worcestershire lookup MOBBERLEY
« on: Wednesday 22 February 23 09:54 GMT (UK)  »
Wow, you are amazing, thank you so much for your help.

Yes I've saved that 1841 census with John, Mary and Joseph. I never like to assume but there's always some degree of speculation involved in order to find the answer. Over the weekend I looked through the whole of the Old Swinford parish register, sadly most of the pages aren't scanned fully and a lot of it is damaged. I also went through the whole of the Waste Bank census in 1841 and 1851 and couldn't find any other Joseph Mobberley. 

My Mobberley line are very elusive. Mary Mobberley b1858, my 2nd G*Grandmother, daughter of Joseph and I assume Mary Green, on some census forms is listed as Mary Bird (wife of Thomas Bird) and then suddenly she's just Mobberley. I assume they weren't actually married.

I have collected up quite a few news paper records of the Mobberleys from Lye. Quite a bunch!!

Thank you so so much for all your help, you've given me plenty to look into :-)

Worcestershire Lookup Requests / Re: worcestershire lookup MOBBERLEY
« on: Friday 17 February 23 15:12 GMT (UK)  »
Thank you so much  :) Darn it I was hoping it was that Joseph as it would have also confirmed the Irish Great Grandmother that my Great Gran mentioned! I guess I'll be taking this mystery to my grave  ::)

Thank you so much again for the speedy response :-)

Worcestershire Lookup Requests / Re: worcestershire lookup MOBBERLEY
« on: Friday 17 February 23 11:40 GMT (UK)  »
Hi there,

I'm searching for Joseph Mobberley born Lye Waste Bank 1806. Married to Mary Green. I have been searching for some years but have never found his birth records. I was wondering if this could be the son of William and Bridget Stafford born in India in 1813, half brother to Maria. I am aware that sometimes birth dates were remembered or recorded wrongly so this could be the case. I am really struggling to find this Joseph, I only have the 1871 census for him.

If anyone could help or shed any light I'd be very grateful. Also I have a newspaper clipping of Maria Knowles and her brother Mobberley, in Lye in a knife incident 1855 if anyone is interested.

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