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Messages - ColinBignell

Pages: [1] 2 3 4 ... 6

They are offering pet dna now...

Can anybody tell me why? I can see it being useful for proving bloodlines in professionally bred animals, but not for most pets.

You can block hints from other trees and potential relatives not yet in your tree.

Indeed, but the problem with that is that they are sometimes helpful. They just need to be treated with caution.


Does anyone else get clues that are not even the name of the person you get them under as John Wadsworth of Stone Staffordshire has no relationship at all to John Emmanuel Griffin of Brede Sussex and no relationship to anyone on my tree.


The problem is that many of the hints are derived from entries in other members' trees, so they are only as good as those trees. It is not helped by people blindingly accepting hints without doing any basic checking of the facts. I am sure I am not the only person who has found a posthumous marriage hint.

The Lighter Side / Re: Mass Observation Day 2024
« on: Saturday 27 April 24 11:45 BST (UK)  »

“The day when everyone records in writing every minute activity that they experience or undertake from waking to bedtime”

Isn't that every day on some of the social media?

The Lighter Side / Re: Mass Observation Day 2024
« on: Friday 26 April 24 11:58 BST (UK)  »
I haven't been inside a church for yonks.

Many of them have remarkable architecture, so I do visit quite a few as a tourist.

Family History Beginners Board / Re: Great Fire of London
« on: Friday 19 April 24 16:32 BST (UK)  »
There were 110 churches in the City of London in 1600, of which 40 still remain. However, just because a church no longer exists that does not mean that its parish has ceased to exist. This shows the parishes in the City of London today and, for administrative purposes, each has a parish clerk:

I assume that the parish clerks in 1666 would have continued to record events for their parish, even if the events were held in a different church. Today, for example, St Vedast in Foster Lane is the parish church for 13 different parishes.

The Common Room / Re: Early release of 1951 census - petition
« on: Tuesday 09 April 24 16:22 BST (UK)  »
A petition has been launched requesting the release of the 1951 census after 80 years:

I wouldn't hold out much hope. Even petitions going through the official government web site

don't have a particularly high rate of success.

Handwriting Deciphering & Recognition / Re: What did my great grandmother die of?
« on: Friday 22 March 24 16:11 GMT (UK)  »
For how long was TB a major issue? So many people seemed to die from it.

Globally, it is the second biggest cause of death from infectious disease after Covid-19. It is rarely a killer in the UK these days, but there are over 4,000 new notifications each year in the UK. I don't know the proportion today, but when AIDS first made the news, it was the cause of death of one in three people with HIV, which corresponded to the proportion of the population who carried TB in its dormant state.

The Common Room / Re: Beware ThruLines
« on: Wednesday 20 March 24 18:46 GMT (UK)  »

Such as I helped a work colleague do his family tree and found out his maternal grandmother was born before her parents got married. Finding out how long a couple courted before marrying can be hard, that is if the man she married was the biological father.

My maternal grandmother never married the father of her four children. However, the 1921 census has her and her first three children  living as boarders with him, his wife and their four children. To me, that is far more interesting than the ancestors who led a conventional life.

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