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Messages - KR500

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I don’t believe Rev. Wilson had any children with his wife, who I think was named Maria.
After reviewing his letters to our father I will post a comment if I see her name there to confirm.
The Rev. was our fathers second cousin removed twice if I remember correctly


Thank you for posting the links to the Grandchildren of David Ruddell Snr. on page 1
They were very helpful as I hadn't seen their birth registrations before and it allowed me to update my family tree with accurate days and months.
Also, I somehow missed Emily Ruddell and now able to add her information
Very important stuff for me and I appreciate your, and everyone taking the time to help me

is it just coincidence that John Ruddell died at Edward Street, the same address Bridget Malone is living in 1901, and Elizabeth his widow is living there with her children in 1911, and this same Bridget Malone was Davids house keeper , there's more to it than that , maybe she was Catholic and they couldn't marry, perhaps she didn't want to marry him, or vice versa, I would be looking for Johns birth to mother Bridget Malone ,

Thank you for your reply and thoughts about possible reasons for the lack of a marriage, I began research several years ago with these same questions after reading the 2 census entries and Wills.
Religion factors or a missing spouse that can’t be located are possible reasons
I noted that Bridget Malone is listed in her Will as Widower. Does that signify a Marriage ?
Agreed that searching for the birth of John Ruddell ( 1855-1906 ) needs to continue although thus far I haven't found any records.
The letter from Rev. David Frederick Ruddell Wilson ( 1871-1957 ) to our late father William R.Ruddell in 1947 is attached below .
Rev. David Frederick Wilson was named by his mother as a tribute to David and Frederick Ruddell of Peacefield.
David Ruddell’s brother Frederick was a bachelor
This letter confused the issue for my research and currently I have no idea who the Great Aunt Sarah mentioned by Rev. Wilson in tandem with Great Uncle David.
There is mention of his Mother Letitia Ferris being raised by her Great Uncle and Great Aunt David and Sarah at David Ruddell Junior ( 1813-1896 ) estate Peacefield.
I have a scan of the original letter but I transcribed it here to make it more legible
Rev. Wilson's mother Letitia Ferris ( 1840-1927) grew up and was raised at David Ruddell Jr's Peacefield when her mother passed away, probably in childbirth .
Letitia Ferris'  Mother was Hester Ruddell ( 1811-1841) who passed away the year Letitia was born.
Hester (Ruddell) Ferris was sister of David Ruddell Jnr.
Letitia Ferris' father Thompson Ferris ( 1804-1886 ) and his sons moved to Ballerat Australia when Hester died in 1840. I think Thompson served in the UK Merchant Marine.
I messaged a couple of that families Australian descendants an introductory note at their page but have received no response

( Copy ) From the Dean of St. Patrick’s The Deanery Dublin

27 January 1947

My dear cousin;
I am not sure of our ( exact ? ) relationship but that is a small matter.
My grandmother , my dear mothers’ mother was a Ruddell of Peacefield.
I think she must have died while my mother was a young girl as I never remember her speaking about her mother- but of her aunt Sarah who brought her up - as my mothers’ father with his sons emigrated to Ballerat Australia while she was a  child , her life at Peacefield was very happy - although she had no young friends.
The Ruddells of old are buried in the old Churchyard of Seagoe - they must have been of some importance as the graves of my Gr. uncle and aunt David and Sarah are in the
chene?l  ( ? ) of the church which has long been in ruins.
It was very nice of you to send the card & greetings at Christmas but I liked most of all the honeymoon snapshot and I hope you two will always be as happy in each other as you seem to be in the picture.
We are having a little snow now for the first time this winter.
My wife and i send you both our love

yours affectionately

David F R Wilson

is he the son of the house keeper and David, and as such David recognised him as his son,

That was something I pondered over when first beginning my research years ago although it seems out of character for a religious cornerstone of the community at that time
I don’t think Divorce was an option then, so if someone was married but alone for an unusual circumstance ….
It seems Bridget would have been buried with her son John Snr. in the same plot ?
I have found out very little about Bridget Malone but need to look again to see if anything else has surfaced
She is shown as head of the household in the 1901 census at the correct address in Lurgan with granddaughter Emily Ruddle 17 and grandson John Ruddle age 14 residing there
The Grandchildren have similar names but misspelled, which could be a transcription  error
I don’t think Emily was a sibling from the family but that could also be a transcription error for Eliza, Emma etc.


Many thanks for replying to my post and giving so many links
I surely appreciate it
Regarding the same named married David Ruddell of Belfast who operated and advertised a used and new furniture store in Belfast >
That is a different D.R. person from David Ruddell of Peacefield and Lurgan/Portadown/Ballinacorr that is buried in Seagoe Cemetery Lurgan
The death notice of elderly Mrs. David Ruddell February 1858 is the mother of David Ruddell Junior 1813-1896
In the PRONI Will of David Ruddell Jnr. his son John Ruddell is always named "my son" and on Page 15 there is a sentence about legacies couched in legal terms of the time, that states "John Ruddell my son, and his Mother".
No name or property, rents, or pounds mentioned
Most of the other 20 pages of his will are divisions of money and property amongst son John Ruddell and his many children and grandchildren.
Also Nieces and his Housekeeper are beneficiaries amongst all the legal contingencies, ages, marital status etc of the will.
I am trying to understand why my 2nd Great Grandfather David Ruddell (1813-1896) was listed as a Bachelor, with his son John Ruddell (1855-1906) an only child ? Maybe he adopted John  ?
Raised John because of death of parent ? Orphan ?
David Ruddell Jnr. would have been 42 at the time John Ruddell, his son was born

Hello Monica

Thank you for taking time to read and respond to my post and welcoming me to the forum


I had never seen the the death certificate for David Ruddell before and you are correct that it shows he is listed as bachelor status. Thank you for your sharing that with me !
This is really interesting to me as John Ruddell, my great grandfather who passed in 1906 was the only child of David.
In David Ruddell’s 21 page Will online, there is a mention of the “mother” of John. No name though.
David was a leader in the Methodist Church, very pious and he left his family members portions of his estate including a niece, Letitia who grew up on the Peacefield Estate in the care of David after her mother and David’s sister Hester passed away when Letitia was a baby and her father Thompson Ferris moved to Australia
David also left something in his Will to Bridget Malone, his housekeeper in Lurgan who probably helped him with his business and office I’m thinking
I wonder if  David was raising John as his child, a death during a family members child birth or medical crisis ?
Lots of possibilities
It seems odd that David Ruddell Senior was born in 1813 as his parents would have been in their fifties
My grandfather John Ruddell inherited Peacefield as a very young man during the turbulent times of Ulster 1916-1919 and lost it due to poor legal advice and possibly decisions.
Following that is the time of disrepair mentioned in the Newspaper story about the sale


If there is any missing information that is a wall for my father's Ulster tree, it has been trying to find the name of the woman who my 2nd Great Grandfather David Ruddell of Armagh married.
The closest hint I have is an old letter from to our father from Rev. David Frederick Ruddell Wilson of St. Patrick's Church of Dublin about his mother Letitia Wilson being raised as a young girl at Peacefield by David and Sarah after Letitia's family circumstances changed.
No siblings of David are named Sarah so that name has to be David's wife
There are several David Ruddell's and marriage to spouses in that same time and area, but I have ruled out several after research.
The David Ruddell of Peacefield lived in several residences and both owned, co-owned and rented  quite a bit of farmland and properties.
Residences included Ballynacor , Tamnaficarbet , Aghnacloy and of course Peacefield
David Ruddell's parents grave marker is at Seagoe Cemetery and there is a sharp image of it shown at the Lurgan ancestry web site. I visited the cemetery with our family in 1959 aged 8 and viewed the marker. His sister and brother are also buried in the family plot there
There is severe weathering that has rendered some marker's inscription unreadable.
Reading through David's will's many pages mentions the mother of their only child John Ruddell 1855-1906, but no name
I cannot locate any marriage record despite looking and wonder if she was not from the area and the wedding took place elsewhere in the UK ?

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